Page 25 - Poze Magazine Vol.36
P. 25
Sippi Bond
Markeith Spann, better known as Sippi project independently and made the city rock
Bond, was born June 26 1986, in Jackson wit tracks like "jerk"and slow grind"n 2016 sippi
Mississippi. From a young age Markeith bond link up on collaboration project wit both
was involved in music. At 6 he started talented R&B singer travanna king aka
singing in church choir, but that was not his yahgirlcee on cee n sip project n rapper swish
only talent. Markeith also was very talented g on hoodstarz project and treanda given aka
in sports including football, basketball, XXculsive n another project wit marvin sparks
soccer and track he also began performing aka smallz n 3. morewit solo projects "local
for school pep 14 markeith started artists wit ova 50 singles n have more to frop
to record his own music n his single for 2020 n 2021 he also designs his own shoes
"BigBootyBouncin" had aired on WJMI in n heels call dalitsippiheels n dalitsippi from
Jackson Ms. 2005 soon became distracted AliveShoes he da first in ks wit his own shoes
from school and sports by growing his n sippi socks from elite sports leggings booty
popularity and street life. seeing this shorts shirts hoody plants n more he also act
problem his mother sent him to his aunt n working on his 6 movie to b feat in and one of
wichita KS. Due to always being away from them is on amazon prime call"Pearl2 n work
his homestate. he created the name Sippi wit master p cousin Mo b Dick from a by da
Bond to always represents his state no pound coming soon n just got a feat on yanet
matter were he goes. Since moving to for video bought me a nine n also just won a
Wichita KS his name ring bells havin XMA award for best hip hop video n sippi bond
singles aired on two popular radio station n also very swift wit da pen in his hand but sippi
Wichita KS 93.5 and 107.9. He also sold bond is still hungry for more n ps "Mannn"! his
over 5500 copies of his "love for da streets trademark. had to. trademarked it