Page 44 - Poze Magazine Volume 78
P. 44
Getting together with fellow musicians for The Epilepsy Foundation at
a night of jamming is nothing out of the, describes Dravet
ordinary. When you take that jam to a syndrome as a rare, genetic epileptic
larger stage with a couple thousand of encephalopathy, altering brain
your closest friends, there might just be a function and structure, that presents
bit more to it. with a rise to seizures that do not
respond well to seizure medications
Such is the case with Joey’s Song. An and begins in the first year of life in an
event fundraiser held each year to help otherwise healthy infant. Mike explains
raise money and awareness for epilepsy that even though Joey was non-
research. Founded in 2010 by Mike Gromoll verbal, music would bring him to life.
of Madison Wisconsin, Joey’s Song has, as Joey would lead in getting others to
of this year, helped to raise over $1.3 dance and move to the music
million dollars towards bringing him joy. Because of Joey’s
epilepsy research. A condition hitting very love for music, and knowing that the
close to home for Mike and his family as prognosis for Joey was poor, the
Mike’s son, Joey, lost his battle with a rare thought of something to help in
form of epilepsy called, Dravet Syndrome, epilepsy research started prior to
just a few days shy of his 5th birthday. Joey’s passing.