Page 33 - Poze Magazine Volume 71
P. 33



                                                                     7. Are there any challenges
                                                                     or advantages that you feel
                                                                     you have as new wave, post-
                                                                     punk artists, compared to
                                                                     other mainstream music
                                                                     genres in the industry?

                                                                     We don't compare ourselves to
                                                                     other genres. We just do our
                                                                     thing that we like. We play
                                                                     music that we like and we
                                                                     listen to lots of genres, not only
                                                                     new wave etc. You can not
                                                                     develop yourself as a musician
                                                                     if you listen only to one genre
                                                                     for example. And people that
                                                                     visit our gigs are great, open
                                                                     minded and true. The
                                                                     connection between us is
                                                                     great. They are our advantage.

                                                                   8. Where can people stay
                                                                   connected with you and all
                                                                   the latest updates with The
                                                                   Violent Youth?

                                                                   Our Instagram and Bandcamp -
                                                                   you can always find the latest
                                                                   updates there!
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