Page 52 - Poze Magazine Volume 71
P. 52



             When it comes to experiential art that
             evokes all of the emotions and senses,
             it’s often a collective effort of strategic
             planning and management to pull it off
             with meaning and peaceful
             participation.  Peretz enlisted his team
             of colleagues who helped to make this
             ‘Live Art’ Flash Mob a success and
             credits each of their efforts with
             gratitude and honor:

             Producer Michael Mike Cannon;
             Videograoher and Editor/Producers:
             Karin Lang, Oren Lang, Idan Vaknin,
             Adee Drory, Bar Arviv, Michael Mike
             Cannon, Lexi, Rachel Weiss, and Sivan
             Rouben; Photographers: Michael Mike
             Cannon; Videographer and Editor of
             Peretz Headshot: Sarah Orbanic;
             Footage from Art Basel: Amit Regev,
             Melanie Lencovski, and Violeta
             Palombo Levy.                  Peretz is bold and limitless when it  GLOBAL
                                            comes to his conceptual art. Texturally,
                                            he applies contemporary expression to a  COLLABORATIONS
           OUTSPOKEN                        variety of tactile artistry to convey his  In fact, beyond art exhibits, Peretz is
                                            point of view, from oil and acrylic to
                                                                              heralded for his iconic collaboration with
                                            photography and live experiential
                                ART         realism. His work is layered with  legends in the entertainment industry,
                                            meaning and conversation and is based
                                                                              including: Val Kilmer, Jonathan Davis
                                            on his experience, embodiment, and
                                                                              (Korn), Gene Simmons (KISS), Ziv Koren
                                            spirit throughout each project and
                                                                              Tsahi Halevi (Israeli actor), Ninet Tayeb
                                            philanthropic beliefs.            (photographer), Karim Rashid (designer),
                                                                              (musician), Alon Abutbul (Israeli actor in
          “My style has always been underground  Some of his most notable work has  Hollywood), Itzik Cohen (Israeli actor),
          and loved it. I don’t like the mainstream,  been showcased in galleries  Alejandro Edda (narcos), Dots To Lines
          even though I’m probably going to be there
          soon. I’m dark, but there is a lot of hope in  throughout Los Angeles, Las Vegas,  (tattoo artist), Noa Kirel (Israeli
          my work and just want people to feel  Israel, and throughout Europe, and is  musician), Rami Fortis (Israeli singer),
          through my art. I’m not a ‘typical artist’  currently available in Fabbrica Eos  and more.
          kind of a guy. I don’t think about  Milano (Milan, Italy) and Maragoni
          aesthetics too much, I care more about the  Institute Miami (Miami, Florida).
          subject-matter and the story.” – Peretz
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