Page 70 - Poze Magazine Volume 71
P. 70

P O Z E   M A G A Z I N E

                              QUEEN ZULU MERCY LEONARD

                      Mercy Leonard has been an integral part of
                      the Latin music scene since 1977, leaving an  If you’re looking for more of Mercy
                      indelible mark as a singer, composer, DJ, and  Leonard’s music, head over to
                      dance choreographer. Her passion for music  SoundCloud, where you can stream her
                      and dance has been her guiding force      tracks under the name “Queen Zulu
                      throughout her illustrious career.        Mercy.” Her music spans a diverse range
                                                                of genres, including salsa, bachata, R&B,
                      Her unique blend of talents as a singer,  and much more. You won’t want to miss
                      composer, and DJ has earned her a dedicated  the electrifying energy that permeates her
                      following. Her dynamic performances and   music.Mercy Leonard continues to inspire
                      infectious beats have made her a sought-after  and entertain, proving that her love for
                      artist in the Latin music world. Find her on  Latin music has no boundaries. Her
                      her blog : or         journey is a testament to the power of
                      _thefuegoshow Instagram and The Fuego     music to unite and uplift.
                      show on Facebook
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