Page 36 - Poze Magazine 76
P. 36

--Review and photos by --Ben E Zander--

               --Review and photos by --Ben E Zander--

             After a final change-over at about 1am,  Bodies are rocking, booties popping, ladies  elevating into powerful rhythms. At
             Shlump assumed control of the bridge fully  and gentlemen all about contributing to a  least, that’s what I gather from the cut
             intent on carrying us through his personal  communal atmosphere of celebration. When I  of Shlump’s jib. He’s professional,
             solar system of sound. ‘Alien Bass’? Yes,  go to a show, this is the type of environment  relaxed, and genuine, sharing
             please. ‘Zero Gravity’? Sign me up. His  I’m happy to endure. Friendly organisms of   rhythmic, melodious, high-energy,
             spirit is contagious, the entire room is  various classifications shaking hands,  otherworldly bass productions that
             infected with conviviality. No intention to  slapping high fives, and sharing hugs. Meet in  motivates many upwards and
             introduce a malady of madness, nor a  the middle, and let’s dance. Everyone  onwards through their journeys.
             musical massacre, but rather an  appreciates each other for the special  If you haven’t experienced Shlump,
             interstellar journey through his catalogue  creatures we are, combining  and he’s coming anywhere near your
             of bangers. Plus, some baller remixes of  energies and spirits to magnificent effect.n  location, do yourself a favor and catch
             awesome songs like Marcy Playground’s,  artist speaks volumes through their music. On  him in action. You’ll be happy you did.
             ‘Sex and Candy’, and the Red Hot Chili  this night, Shlump’s soundtrack embodied  For information on all things Shlump
                                            exploration and discovery. He’s a positive
             Peppers, ‘Scar Tissue’. Later, when he  force encouraging beings to adventure in their  like events, tickets, music, and
             drops his potent collab with LSDream,  own ways. His style feels heavy and hard, at  merch, check out his website at
             ‘R.A.V.E’, I felt like I was soaring through  times detouring into softly beautiful phrases and follow him on
             Quasispace, and I haven’t been there in  before                Instagram @shlumpbass.
             what feels like a decade.
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