Page 32 - Poze Magazine Volume 48 (2)
P. 32
Founder of Creode Theatre, From Vision to Reality
Philosopher, Writer, Actor, and
Model Adam Dennis Geiger Beyond a visionary desire to be on
lives by his own truths and the ‘big screen,’ Geiger discovered
passion, much like his industry his own identity within the
counterparts, such as Wahlberg, archetypes of leading characters
Dean and Brando, to which he’s who deeply motivated him in movies,
commonly compared. From his books and plays. His relentless
calling was enough to pursue the
dynamic looks on- and
industry and work amongst those he
off-screen, Geiger may have
revered on screen.
been born and raised in North
Carolina but quickly found his Geiger studied under some of the
way to New York City and made most heralded proteges and
it his home since the age of 15 pioneers of method acting to hone
when he began living on his his craft and technique, such as Lyle
own, in true rebel fashion. Kessler, Austin Pendleton and
Broadway Producers. While
“I am molded by fire and have a attending HB Studios, Stella Adler
big vision.” – Geiger
and Conservatory at Lee Strasberg,
Geiger did not stop there.
Perhaps the journey that
propelled his life on his own
At the same time, he formed his
terms, in rising above a town of
theatrical presentation company
crime and poverty to pursue
Creode, Inc., building his modeling
his ambition, led him to his
portfolio as well as an audience
destined path residing in the
online and in the city. While pursuing
‘City of Dreams’ known as NYC.
modeling and being scouted, Geiger
Take a closer look at the
continues to realize his plans and
reputed actor and model who’s
pursuit in development of film
quickly turning heads in the
projects, modeling and other
entertainment industry for his
partnerships, both bicoastally and
multi-faceted talent, look and
overwhelming appeal.