Page 5 - UFCW Union Steward Handbook
P. 5
l Unite and inspire your co-workers to work together.
l Stay informed and be a link between workers, stewards, officers and staff.
l Educate by example through participation in union campaigns and
other activities.
Stewards should be prepared with various strategies for solving problems.
Some problems only affect one person, others affect a group. Different
issues may require one or more of the following:
l Mobilizing workers to solve problems as a group. When issues affect
large numbers of workers and provoke strong worker reactions, they
may be best handled through a group action such as a petition, a
“march on the boss,” or a button day.
l Holding informal discussions with management, the steward, and
affected workers.
l Using the grievance procedure to address violations of the contract,
company rules/policies or past practices (something that previously
occurred regularly).
Actions speak louder than words—a steward sets the example as a
unifying advocate for workers’ rights.
l Build unity: find common ground on problems that threaten to
divide our co-workers.
l Be an active participant in union decisions and actions: contract
campaigns, conventions, political action, and organizing efforts...and
always bring a co-worker!
l Maintain a good work record. Don’t give management an excuse to
discipline you. Be a role model for other workers.
l Involve members when advocating on their behalf.
l Make sure everyone is involved in our union. Be aware of groups of
members who – perhaps by shift, gender, race, job title, language, etc.
– are not involved, and find ways to break down these barriers.