Page 29 - Poze Magazine Volume 72
P. 29

POZE MAGAZINE                                                                              2024


           A  co-founder  of  Hustle  Work  Grind  Records  and  Beyond  the  beats,  Rice  has  garnered  notable
           Hustle  Work  Grind  Entertainment,  Rice  envisions  credits   and   awards,   including   Grammy
           music  as  a  catalyst  for  education,  empowerment,  consideration for "Juice" and recognition at the X-
           and empathy. His commitment to correcting societal  pozing  Music  Awards.  His  activism  extends  to  the
           wrongs  led  to  his  active  involvement  in  the  Black  music itself, with tracks like "Juice" paying tribute to
           Lives  Matter  protest  following  George  Floyd's  Tupac  and  exploring  themes  of  love,  respect,  and
           death, showcasing his belief in music as a powerful  power.
           instrument of change.

                                                               Influenced by legends like 50 Cent and Lil Wayne,
           Rice's musical authenticity shines through in hits like
                                                               Rice  admires  their  risk-taking  spirit  and  unyielding
           "Bet  On  It,"  "Big  Dreams  Rice,"  and  "Next  2
                                                               work ethic. The eclectic artist aims to bring about a
           Paradice” Each track serves as a narrative thread,
                                                               wave  of  real,  authentic,  moving,  and  soul-stirring
           weaving  together  different  phases  of  his  life  and
                                                               music,  underpinned  by  common  themes  of  hard
           experiences.  His  self-proclaimed  status  as  a  "neo-
                                                               work, empowerment, confidence, and authenticity.
           artist"  stems  from  a  unique  approach,  combining
                                                               His continually evolving discography hints towards
           real-life  experiences  with  lessons  learned  from
                                                               the birth of an icon in the music world.
           movies,  offering  listeners  a  deep  dive  into  the
           mundane with profound meaning.
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