Page 78 - Poze Magazine Volume 79
P. 78


                                    RICKY MONTGOMERY

           Creating a unique and
           engaging atmosphere that
           kept fans hyped up and ready
           for the show to start. This
           clever touch set the stage for
           what was to come.
                                                          PHOTOGRAPHY:  LOGAN SCHOOLEY

           Montgomery, who gained
           viral fame with his TikTok hit
           "Mr. Loverman," arrived with       Montgomery’s set flowed         Fans sang along and
           an infectious energy that          seamlessly, punctuated          cheered for the inevitable
           immediately captured the           by bits of humorous             encore as the night
           audience's attention. From         commentary that kept            culminated with his most
           the moment he opened with          the pacing lively and           recognizable tune, “Mr.
           "Line Without a Hook," it was      entertaining. He utilized a     Loverman,” sending the
           clear that this performance        white screen to project         crowd into a frenzy. The
           would be one for the books.        various, sometimes              energy was palpable, with
           His incredible stage presence      obscure scenes                  fans screaming along and
           and charisma drew the crowd        throughout his                  fully immersed in the
           in, making everyone feel like      performance, enhancing          moment.
           they were part of an               the visual experience and
           exclusive club.                    adding an artistic flair to
                                              the concert.

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