Page 17 - Poze Magazine Volume 70
P. 17



                                                                I am a new upcoming unsigned artist

                                                                who is currently chasing my dreams to
                                                                become a famous singer, I taught myself
                                                                to sing at the age of 16 and have been in
                                                                love with music since I was 10, I have
                                                                dreamed of becoming famous and
                                                                pushing myself to become better in
                                                                everything I do in life,

         I believe that you can achieve anything

         in life that you put your mind to, and one
         thing I greatly believe in is
         manifestations, you actually can speak
         things into existence! Every dream is
         achievable no matter what it is, all it take
         is hard work and dedication! I am a very
         outgoing positive person who loves to
         spread positivity!

         I learned since a young age from my
         mother that life is only as hard as you
         make it and as long as you keep your
         mindset positive and moving forward
         you can achieve or accomplish

         whatever you want in life, I always
         promised myself I would be something
         great someday and so far I have earned
         and enjoyed everything life has given
         me so far, and have learned that
         everything in life is a lesson to be
         learned from and everything is a
         blessing!!! As long as you have faith you
         can always keep your dreams alive, and
         always remember to dream not wish
         because dreams always do come true!!!
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