Page 5 - Poze Magazine Volume 72
P. 5

POZE-MAGAZINE.COM                                    2024
                                         The color schemes in a lot of the  I always wonder about those early
                                         paintings have to do with the vibe of  moments that establish a person’s pursuit
                                         the person. If someone is an intense  of aspirations later. Lucien described the
                                         individual (consider Al Pacino’s  “culture shock” of the very different
                                         character in Scarface), I usually use  neighborhoods of his formative years. “I
                                         fiery colors. If someone is super laid  grew up in Chicago, some of my early
                                         back, it’s cool.” When I asked him  years were spent in Oak Park. I remember
                                         what sets of colors he likes to work  making pottery in an art class. My father,
             Lucien                      with, he grinned, “All of them. I like to  he’s a well-known tattoo artist here in
                                         keep it
                                                                          Chicago, Bobby Sox. He’s been my hero.
                                         gritty; I like to keep it street. I like the  I’ve always been drawing, and showing him
             TrapArt                     little imperfections in my pieces.  my drawings, gassin’ up my art. I started
                                                                          drawing graffiti when I was like, ten.” I
                                          I purposely overspray, and      inquired if there’s a time Lucien
                                         underspray, because those        remembers making the conscious choice
             BY: BEN E ZANDER            imperfections are what gives it that  to form art professionally.
             PHOTOS: BEN E ZANDER
                                         human touch, that character. I want
                                         that paintly look, like a human hand   “I don’t think it was ever a decision I made.
                                         touched it.” As you’ll appreciate  I’m literally obsessed. I wake up every day,
                                         through our conversation, there’s  I think about what I’m going to paint, I go
                                         something remarkable about the   to sleep thinking about what art I’m going
                                         imperfections human hands create,  to make. I guess it comes naturally. I’ve
                                         almost like they’re meant to be.  always seen art as a career, not just as a
                                                                          hobby, like most of society sees it. I sold
                                                                          my first piece of art at fourteen years old.”

                                                                          Lucien likes to paint at live performances
                                                                          where the atmosphere and soundtrack
                                                                          influence his mood creatively. “I like drum
                                                                          and bass music. I like Liquid (Stranger) a
                                                                          lot, I like that real dark, wubby hit. I love
                                                                          dubstep music, more so live. I love the vibe
                                                                          you get at a show, just the energy.” Along
                                                                          with this topic came illumination on how
                                                                          he appreciates people’s reactions and
                                                                          support. “That’s my favorite part.

                                                                           Seeing people’s reactions, people love it!
                                                                          I’m putting on a show, man—even a
                                                                          compliment on my art is meaningful.”
                                                                          Beyond art, Lucien sees how the story of
                                                                          his life can impact others. We conversed
                                                                          about community,
                                                                          and how actions have impacts that
                                                                          reverberate. “If I could open up one young
                                                                          kid’s eyes who might be teetering,
                                                                          themselves, into diving into some street
                                                                          life, I hope vicariously they can learn from
                                                                          some of the mistakes I’ve made. Getting
                                                                          told that you’ve inspired somebody and
                                                                          what they are creating, then seeing it in
                                                                          real time, that’s dope.”
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