Page 16 - Poze Magazine Volume 41
P. 16
Jeremy Rafferty
I started getting into music
since I was 12 years old
when my uncle introduced
me to Bon Jovi and
I started getting into music since I was 12 years old when my
explained how "living on a
prayer " was about two
uncle introduced me to Bon Jovi and explained how "living on a
people trying make ends
prayer " was about two people trying make ends meat and
meat and working hard to
working hard to support each other. I was hooked then on the
support each other. I was
meaning behind songwriting and poetry. How lyrics and words
hooked then on the
do have meanings. I went through alot of ups and downs as
meaning behind
anyone would in their life. I had a guitar when I was 14 but, had
songwriting and poetry.
very few lessons and always had a pipe dream in becoming a
How lyrics and words do
Rockstar. Clearly, it takes talent, hard work, knowing the right
have meanings. I went
through a lot of ups and
people and luck to get there. I soon moved on with my life
downs as anyone would in
getting married and having a couple of boys. Later on, got
their life. I had a guitar
separated in a bitter end of our marriage due to her infidelity. I
when I was 14 but, had
was in a dark place looking for an end. I eventually found a way
very few lessons and
out. I bought a guitar learned chords and scales and a few
always had a pipe dream in
songs of bands I listen such as Breaking
becoming a Rockstar.
Benjamin, disturbed, shinedown and three days grace are just
Clearly, it takes talent,
a few. Then I took those influences and began to create my
hard work, knowing the
right people and luck to get
own sound as well as write lyrics. I wrote in a dark way for my
there. I soon moved on
lyrics but, balanced them out with lighter but, rocking music. I
with my life getting
played and worked with a few unsigned artists. I'm proud to
married and having a
say that I'm a songwriter !
couple of boys.