Page 25 - Poze Magazine Volume 41
P. 25
Natalie’s Early Background, Early Natalie had much more in her favor than just a
Acting and Singing Experience, love and passion for the entertainment
and Special Skills and Talents industry, she also has an abounding talent that
only a few are given, such as a photographic
memory which allows her to read, for the first
From early childhood, Natalie Peri had an time, a screenplay just 30 minutes to an hour
innate love and passion for all facets of
entertainment, including music, novels, before filming and
television, movies, plays and the glamour, deliver her lines
fashion, modeling, premieres, and excitement perfectly. She can
that accompanied all those things. Natalie was read a screenplay
fortunate to gain a mountain of experience overnight and
from the many opportunities given to her to memorize her
act and sing in school plays beginning at the scenes so well
young age of thirteen. that she not only
Natalie Peri has always wanted to be an knows all her lines
actress, model, and singer, and now she’s all of but can help other
those things and much more. Natalie’s an actors with their
actress/singer/writer/producer who’s also lines as well.
directed her own film projects and also has In addition to knowing her lines to perfection,
written and rewritten scenes that she was Natalie also puts her whole heart, soul, and
hired to perform in. passion into every scene she films, and has
begun to establish herself as a “one-take”
talent. Her directors are blown away by her
acting talent, and they call her back for new
projects over and over again.
As if having a love and passion for music, film,
and stage and having abounding talent were
not enough, Natalie also was born with what
filmmakers have grown to know as “the look”
as in the nickname of “it girl” first given to the
actress Clara Bow in 1927 and followed over
the years with such notables as Elizabeth
Taylor, Janet Liegh, and Marilyn Monroe.