Page 31 - Poze Magazine Volume 41
P. 31
Separately, Gordon’s role was completely Improv in
Bringing Laughter
1/2 New Year that drew attention as he played a
friend and party-goer. This project focuses on 20-
from Disaster
and 30-year olds who move to LA and find this new
family out on most streaming platforms. Through
jobs and relationships, they remain friends, but also
Comedian & Actor Marc Gordon Spoofs on
experience some fractures in their relationships.
Relevant Topics Today: Politics, COVID,
Relationships, Job-Hunting, & More!
What’s more—Gordon is preparing for two new
projects that are on hold due to COVID. Stay
tuned for more and tap into his website to keep
up to date on his projects and press by visiting:
Website :
that the best way to have your message heard is not always the most ordinary.
Gordon is combining his extraordinary talents in comedy, music, and production
Development & Singing Mix of Comedy
to create a powerful message for mass visibility, attention, and a need for change.
Songs - EDM & Hip-Hop Compilation:
Gordon’s mission is to use comedy to create
awareness, educate people, and remove that
Music on SoundCloud:
blindfold to the hard-hitting topics, concerns,
and conversations happening throughout the
world today.
Gordon knows that it’s time to do his part by bringing
Social Distancing Comedy Love Song:
laughter, light, greater understanding, and incite
much-needed conversation about the most impactful
global topics of today. Through his development of
Actor in Film Scene - “1/2 New Year”
comedic spoofs that center on these topics, Gordon is
taking an unforgettable approach, as he is a strong
believer of inspiring change collectively:
Development, Acting & Production - “Truth
“We all have to come together in order to
Hurts” Web Series:
aLGo1wqyx4Y make changes.”
Most notably, Truth Hurts project is a concept that
Gordon developed, in which he plays a character who
Available Platforms: 24-7, 7digital, 8tracks, Akazoo, Amazon Music,
is liberal but found more success playing a right-wing
Anghami, Apple iTunes, AWA, CD Baby Publishing, Deezer, Dubset, Facebook
conspiracy theorist—pushing conspiracy theories to the brink of complete satire by
Google Music Store, iHeartRadio, iMusica, InProdicon, Kdigital, KKBox, Kuack
showing actual clips and then ranting about them.
Creator: 2020 VaMo Radio ©