Page 21 - Poze Magazine Vol. 35 (Sabrina Nicole)
P. 21
NTG Yung Draw
The “SpittaGang” Ntg and Yung draw are a hip As a team these two have performed with and
hop couple from Philadelphia and Chester Pa. or opened up for the likes of; Tone Trump,
started doing music together in August of 2011. Kurtis Blow, Dj Too Tuff (The Tuff Crew), Cyhi
Their love of each other coupled with their love the Prince (G.o.o.d. Music) and countless
of music allowed them to click not only on a other local talent venues and or showcases. In
romantic level but a creative one as well. The 2013 this independent hip hop duo began
connection and passion these two share is their own Independent Label (Ntune
undeniable and you can feel it in the music with Entertainment Group) in order to create the
songs ranging from relationships and politics, to proper forum for the feel good music they
social and economic issues. With a take no love to make. Stayed tuned this power couple
prisoner’s attitude, lyrical content and flow this is definitely what hip hop needs now love,
couple has proven they will not be denied. love, love. Ntg & Yung Draw are the future.