Page 40 - Poze Magazine Volume 77
P. 40


                   Creatio:                                                          REVIEW AND PHOTOS

                                                                                     BY—BEN E ZANDER
                                                                               Often the music we experience as youths
                   Personal Testaments                                         forms the basis for the style we develop as
                                                                               adults. I requested some insight into what he
                                                                               listened to growing up, and he described a
                                                                               range of influences from Disney musicals to
                                                                               Def Leppard.

                                               When I spoke with Creatio, I harbored  “When I was a kid, you listened to what your
                 I’m hanging out in a basement, doing
                                               zero expectations for what I would  parents listened to, or what they expose you
                 what I do best, staying cool,
                                               discover beyond a conversation about  to. In kindergarten, we had the Lion King
                 underground. I’m listening to Creatio—
                                               creativity, music, and storytelling. What  soundtrack, and I would sing along to that. I
                 government name Stephen Mabe—and
                                               I found was a thoughtful and expressive  remember my mom was like, ‘Wow, you can
                 thinking about the stories we tell
                                               human, accepting and accountable.  sing! How are you doing that?’ as I was
                 through music. Creatio offers a unique
                                               Over the course of more than an hour,  singing along in the car’ I felt it, I knew the
                 presentation fusing alternative and
                                               discussion abounded about topics  words, and it started coming out. It felt good. I
                 Americana. It’s bluesy, folksy, hard
                                               delving into his passion for music and  remember driving down the road and
                 rocking, and punctuated with honest
                                               penchant for songwriting. He shared  listening to ‘Pour Some Sugar on Me’ with my
                 lyrics about life delivered through
                                               fascinating details about early  dad—80s hair metal and classic rock and all
                 soulfully resolute singing. It’s beautiful
                                               influences, his own creative process,  that good stuff. My mom got kind of into
                 and inspiring to listen to. Creatio’s a
                                               and the impact of his craft.    country in the 90s. Right around 1995 or so I
                 storyteller for sure, and I wanted to
                                               I asked him what he feels his ultimate  thought Garth Brooks was just like the
                 know more about how he makes his
                                               mission with his music is. He   coolest, I think everybody thought Garth
                 compelling art.
                                               considered a moment. “I just wanna  Brooks was the coolest in 1995.”
                                               relate to people.”
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