Page 53 - Poze Magazine Volume 77
P. 53

Rui is a dedicated filmmaker

                                                              and director currently

                                                      pursuing a Master's degree in

                                                          Film Production at the CCA

                                                        The  portrayal  of  family  dynamics  reflects  the  belief  that  familial  bonds
                                                        extend beyond blood ties, embracing the idea that family family is formed
                                                        through  shared  experiences  and  unconditional  love.  Additionally,  the
                                                        exploration of surrogacy within the LGBTQ+ community is approached with
                                                        sensitivity and nuance, acknowledging the ethical dilemmas and emotional
                                                        complexities involved. Overall, the values imbued in making "Heirloom" are
                                                        rooted in authenticity, empathy, and inclusivity, aiming to provoke thought
                                                        and discussion while celebrating the diversity of human experiences.

                                                      4. What challenges did you face during    5.  What  do  you  hope  audiences  will
                                                     the making of HEIRLOOM?       take away from the film?
                                                                                   I  hope  that  audiences  will  be  touched
                                                     During the making of "Heirloom," one  by the warmth of the story and gain a
                                                     of the biggest challenges we faced was  different  perspective  on  how  LGBTQ+
                                                     how to portray the parents' awareness  families can navigate relationships and
                                                     of their son's homosexuality in a way  challenges.  Through  "Heirloom,"  I  aim
                                                     that felt authentic and respectful. We  to offer a glimpse into the complexities
                                                     went through numerous iterations of  of  LGBTQ+  family  dynamics  and
                                                     the script, constantly mindful of  demonstrate  that  love  and  acceptance
                                                     avoiding stereotypes and      know  no  bounds.  Additionally,  I  hope
                                                     misrepresentations of the LGBTQ+  the  film  provides  a  source  of  spiritual
                                                     community. As a lesbian myself, not a  support for the LGBTQ+ community and
                                                     gay man, I was particularly conscious  encourages   greater   understanding,
                                                     of this issue. To address this challenge,  support,  and  acceptance  from  parents
                                                     we sought advice and feedback from  towards their  LGBTQ+ children.
                                                     various sources, including LGBTQ+
                                                     professors, our actors, crew members,    6.  In  some  ways,  the  ending  can  be
                                                     and members of our school's LGBTQ+  seen  as  open-ended,  as  the  family
                                                     community. By considering diverse  doesn't  reach  a  conclusion  regarding
                                                     perspectives and experiences, we were  the  surrogacy  topic.  Why  did  you
                                                     able to develop a version of the script  choose to do this?
                                                     that felt genuine and inclusive.
                                                     Additionally, we incorporated self-  Firstly, my story unfolds during a
                                                     deprecating humor into the script to  dinner table conversation, and I believe
                                                     acknowledge and challenge      that the topic of surrogacy is too
                                                     stereotypes, adding a layer of  complex to be resolved in one sitting. It
                                                     complexity and nuance to the   requires prolonged discussion and
                                                     characters and their interactions. This  negotiation, and reaching a conclusion
                                                     approach helped to ensure that the  over dinner would undermine the
                                                     portrayal of the parents' awareness of  purpose of normalizing such
                                                     their son's homosexuality felt nuanced  discussions in the film.
                                                     and reflective of real-life experiences
                     Poze Mgazine
                                                     within the LGBTQ+ community.
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