Page 29 - Poze Magazine 57
P. 29
POZE POze Magazine
EP Release
June 3rd
What may be left of a dying breed her young talent was recognized as
is country music artist Jenna Jane. she opened for acts like REO
Her originality and outlaw style is Speedwagon, Rick Springfield, Scotty
blazing a successful new trail for McCreery, Lover Boy, and Air Supply.
the young artist. 12 years later and years of playing
Jenna Jane effortlessly has her own shows, she finally made it down to
sound, some say she's somewhere music city. Jenna played one show to get
between Janis and June. her foot in the door and soon signed
As a little girl Jenna watched her with Nashville agency,
father and uncle tour in their own Park Bench Media. Jenna Jane's creative
band and dreamed of going to songwriting and unique sound shortly
Nashville to pursue her dream. gained the attention of new followers
encouraging her to release her original
So, at the age of 12 she played her music. So, in February of 2022, she did
first show and by the age of 14 just that.
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