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Tech News
What are
best music
is arrived
s companies
The world of music 11. TuneCore: With 3. CD Baby: CD Baby has
distribution has grown TuneCore, you can been around for over two
exponentially in recent distribute your music to decades, making them one
years, allowing artists to over 150 streaming services of the oldest and most
get their music out to the worldwide, including Apple trusted music distribution
masses more easily than Music and Spotify. They companies. They offer a
ever before. With so many also offer a comprehensive variety of features,
options available, it can be dashboard to help you including worldwide digital
difficult to decide which track and monitor your and physical distribution,
music distribution stats, as well as a variety of as well as unlimited
company is best for you other helpful features. uploads.
and your music. To help 2. DistroKid: DistroKid is 4. Ditto Music: Ditto Music is
you make the right another popular music one of the most affordable
decision, here is a list of the distribution service, offering music distribution services,
best music distribution unlimited uploads, offering unlimited releases,
companies currently worldwide distribution, and worldwide distribution, and
available. access to real-time a variety of analytics tools.
analytics. They also offer a They also offer free
subscription service to help promotion and marketing
artists save money on their services.
music distribution fees.