Page 12 - Poze Magazine Volume 74
P. 12


                                    A   S H O W C A S E   M U S I C   F E S T I V A L   A N D
                                C O N F E R E N C E   F O R   I N D E P E N D E N T   A N D
                                               E M E R G I N G   A R T I S T S

         Located in Tokyo, Japan

          The event will feature 17 bands from overseas and Music Bridge Tokyo is a unique opportunity for
          14 domestic bands for the Day 1 performances,      the performers to promote their music, meet
          covering a variety of genres and styles. The       with some representatives from the Japanese
          performances will occur across four venues, all    music industry, meet other performers for future
          located near bustling stations in the central city.  partnerships and collaborations, and experience
          The total audience capacity is approximately 600 the vibrant modern music culture in Japan. "We
          people, but the organizers anticipate the actual   are very excited to host music bridge tokyo, a
          number to be higher as people may enter and        showcase music festival and conference that
          leave throughout the night. Label representatives celebrates and supports the independent and
          and other event organizers will also be in the     emerging artists from around the world. We
          audience, scouting for new talents and             believe that this event will not only showcase the
          opportunities.                                     diversity and creativity of the Tokyo music scenes
                                                             and Japan overall, but also foster a sense of
          The Day 2 activities will include a welcome lunch, community and solidarity among the artists and
          a coffee chat networking session, and two panel    the industry. We hope that music bridge tokyo
          presentations. The welcome lunch will give the     will be a memorable and rewarding experience
          performers a chance to casually meet the           for everyone involved." said the founder and
          organizers and other performers. The coffee chat   director of TOKYO BEYOND.
          networking session will allow the performers to
          interact with various industry delegates, such as  Tickets for the event are available online at eplus:
          managers, promoters, agents, journalists, and and also
          producers. The panel presentations will feature    available at the door of the venues. Those that
          music industry experts who will share their        pay the full price of 2000 yen will get a
          insights and advice on topics such as marketing,   wristband and can enter any of the venues.
          distribution, licensing, and collaboration.

                                     FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THE EVENT, PLEASE FOLLOW:

                                         THE EVENT TEAM CAN ALSO BE REACHED BY EMAIL:

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