Page 5 - waterproofing product
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                          “Priceless care for buildings”
                          Terroseal Building Guard is a water-based high performance water repellent compound. It forms
                          a hydrophobic barrier beneath the surface and seals out moisture while remaining highly vapour
                          permeable. The visual appearance of the treated surfaces will show nominal or no change
                          resulting from product application. The benefits include enhanced resistance to efflorescence.
                          freeze thaw damage, cracking and spalling. Cured system is resistant to ultraviolet light and may
                          be used as a sealer for surface coatings. It does not produce a surface film or impairthe natural
                          breathing characteristics of treated surfaces.

                          Packaging:1,5 & 20Litre

                          TERROZA  WPC
                          "Best ever water proofing compound”
                          Terroza  Water  Proofing  Compound  is  a  mineral  admixture  in  dry  powdered  form  which  is
                          specifically  formulated  to  provide  long-term  protection  in  concrete  masonry  units.  masonry
                          mortar and rendering/plastering mortar. It reacts with moisture in fresh concrete and with by
                          product  of  cement  hydration  to  cause  a  catalytic  reaction  which  generates  a  non  soluble
                          crystalline formation throughout the pores and capillary tracts of the concrete. Thus the concrete
                          becomes permanently sealed
                          against the penetration of water or liquids from any direction. The concrete is also protected from
                          deterioration due to harsh environmental conditions.


                          TERROZA READY PLAST
                          "An advanced lime based ready to use plaster& mortar”
                          Terroza Ready Plaster is an advanced thermal insulation ready to use plaster & mortar. It is a
                          green technology product which makes the building eco-friendly and safeguard it from the global
                          warming. Its very ideal to be used in modern constructions and to conserve traditional heritage
                          buildings. One of the outstanding benefits of using Terroza Ready Plaster is its high porosity it
                          allows  you  to  build  permeable  wall  systems.  eliminating  standing  condensation. A Terroza
                          Ready Plaster built structure -breathes- and enabling moisture to evaporate.

                          TERROZA WALL PUTTY
                          "White cement based putty.”

                          Terroza  Wall  Putty  is  water  resistant  white  cement-based  putty  for  cement  plaster  walls  &
                          ceilings. It is used to fill uneven surfaces Id cement plastered walls. ceiling and concrete surfaces
                          and it can be applied even on moist surfaces (internal / external). It provides a smooth and strong
                          finish to the walls for better application of all kinds of paints. The smooth finish improves the
                          aesthetic view of your dream home.
                          Packaging:20 Kg
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