P. 16

Gambar 7.14. Pass extension................................................................... 54
                Gambar 7.15. Left (climb milling) .............................................................  55

                Gambar 7.16. Right (conventional milling)...............................................  56

                Gambar 7.17. Both Ways Unselected......................................................  57
                Gambar 7.18. Both Ways Selected ..........................................................  58

                Gambar 7.19. Shown with 4 cuts of .010 in.............................................  59

                Gambar 7.20. Three axial offset passes .................................................  59

                Gambar 7.21. Maximum stepdown - shown without finishing
                stepdowns .................................................................................................  60
                Gambar 7.22. Shown with 2 Edge Curves selected ..............................          61

                Gambar 7.23. Enabled - Curve 1 is cut complete before curve 2..........                61

                Gambar 7.24. Disabled - Toolpath is generated by level
                cutting both curves.....................................................................................  61
                Gambar 7.25. Don't Care Up/down Milling .............................................  62

                Gambar 7.26. Down Milling ......................................................................  62

                Gambar 7.27. Sharp Corners ...................................................................  63

                Gambar 7.28. Chamfered Edges .............................................................  64

                Gambar 7.29. Chamfer width added to sharp edge ..............................          65

                Gambar 7. 30. Macam bentuk sisi benda .................................................  66
                Gambar 7.31. Chamfer tip offset                                                        66
                Gambar 7.32. Stock to leave Positive ....................................................  67

                 Gambar 7.33. Stock to leave None ......................................................... 67

                 Gambar 7.34. Stock to leave Negative ................................................... 68
                 Gambar 7.35. Radial stock to leave          ........................................................ 68
                 Gambar 7.36. Radial and axial stock to leave                                          69
                 Gambar 7.37. Axial stock to leave ...........................................................  70

                 Gambar 7.38. Both radial and axial stock to leave ................................    71

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