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Nestlé ITR continues sustainability efforts with KitKat using cocoa from
Nestlé’s Income Accelerator Program
Nestlé International Travel Retail
(NITR) is set to launch the first KitKat
made with cocoa mass from beans
grown by farmers engaged in the
company’s Income Accelerator Program
in travel retail. By mid-2024, Nestlé
plans to use segregated cocoa butter for
all its KitKat chocolate in Europe, with
plans to expand to other regions in the
coming years.
The new ‘Breaks for Good’ KitKat
aims to connect traveling consumers
with the farmers in Nestlé’s program
while raising awareness about the
sustainability of the cocoa used in the
The KitKat wrapper will include a products. And, of course, to the center better lives, aiming to improve social
‘Sustainably Sourced Cocoa’ stamp and of the Confectionery category in travel conditions for families; and better
a QR code which will direct consumers retail. cocoa, aiming to improve product
to further details on the program and its “KitKat is such a noticeable brand, sustainability.
impact on cocoa farming communities. perfect to represent Nestle’s efforts The IAP builds on Nestlé’s
Chocolate made with sustainably to create meaningful impact in cocoa ambition to transform its global cocoa
sourced cocoa will first be used in the communities.” sourcing and achieve full traceability
majority of KitKat products available Nestlé’s Income Accelerator and physical segregation of its cocoa
in European travel retail, including Program (IAP) was launched in January product from origin to factory.
KitKat’s new Destination Packs, KitKat 2022 to help close the living income gap The Income Accelerator Program
Chunky, Mini Mix and its Sharing Bag. of cocoa-farming families and reduce also tackles child labor risks and
The new products are expected to be child labor risk by encouraging changes deforestation.
rolled out over the coming months, with in behavior and rewarding positive The program incentivizes cocoa-
their launch supported by an extensive practices – both within the home and on farming families that enroll their
‘Breaks for Good’ campaign. the farm. The program also encourages children in school, implement good
NITR General Manager Stewart better agriculture practices. Payments agricultural practices, engage in
Dryburgh said: “KitKat is a key brand, are divided evenly between the male and agroforestry activities, and diversify
not just for us, but generally in the female heads of household, empowering their incomes.
travel retail Confectionery category. women to act as agents for positive The program has so far supported
“KitKat has consistently embraced change by saving, investing and sharing over 10,000 families in Côte d’Ivoire
innovation, centered around its iconic responsibilities. and is expanding to Ghana this year to
‘Have a break, Have a KitKat’ tagine, The IAP was introduced to build on reach some 30,000 families. By 2030,
and is now taking a huge step to the learnings of the Nestlé Cocoa Plan Nestlé intends to reach an estimated
embrace sustainability. ‘Breaks for which was launched back in 2009. It 160,000 cocoa-farming families in the
Good’ puts cocoa farmers – and our has engaged more than 150,000 cocoa- company’s global cocoa supply chain to
mission for a sustainable future for all farming families so far, building on create an impact at scale.
involved in the cocoa and chocolate three pillars: better farming, aiming to
production chain – at the center of our improve livelihoods in communities;
Summit of the Americas April 2024 88
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