Page 14 - TFWA World Exhibit 2022 Special Edition
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Erik Juul-Mortensen, TFWA President; David McWilliams, Adjunct Professor of Global Economics at Trinity College Dublin’s School of Business;
Raymond Cloosterman, Founder and CEO of Rituals; Swan Sit, AF Ventures Operating Partner
TFWA Conference and workshops focus on post-pandemic era
The conferences and workshops who will address brand-building in a Property Director Fraser Brown, Incheon
at the 2022 Tax Free World Exhibition changing world. Cloosterman’s Unilever International Airport Corporation Director
& Conference will offer a content-rich, background and creation of a luxury Duty Free Management Team Sung Bin Im,
business-relevant format that will focus on lifestyle chain make him ideally qualified and Chief Digital & Commercial Officer of
key themes for the post-pandemic era, says to discuss all matters branding. Istanbul Airport Ersin Inankul.
organizer TFWA. The Conference will also look at life Topics for discussion will include
From economics and the Metaverse, in the Metaverse with the help of a global the evolution of the airport retail business
to brand-building in a changing world, the expert on new digital technologies: Swan model, new customer trends and spending
opening Conference of the 2022 TFWA Sit, Operating Partner of AF Ventures, patterns, changes to the airport retail mix,
World Exhibition & Conference will a Leading Voice on Clubhouse and the and the integration of digital into the
address some key trends shaping duty free former Global Head of Digital Marketing commercial offer. The panelists will also
and travel retail in the aftermath of the for Nike, Revlon, and Estée Lauder. This explore some of the challenges faced by
COVID-19 crisis. is a topic of great relevance as the Travel airports and airlines over the European
Taking place from 9-11:45 CET on Retail industry increasingly harnesses summer season, and the travel industry’s
Monday Oct. 3, in the Grand Auditorium of the power of artificial intelligence and preparedness for the return of pre-2020
the Palais des Festivals, the TFWA World augmented reality. international traffic levels.
Conference will open with a State of the The TFWA Conference is being The Innovation in Action session
Industry address from TFWA President moderated this year by Juliet Mann, an will look at the latest developments in
Erik Juul-Mortensen. experienced TV anchor, specializing in customer engagement courtesy of speakers
Juul-Mortensen will be followed by business news. She was a correspondent including Intelligent Track System Founder
a discussion between David McWilliams, for CNN’s weekly business features show & CEO Morten Pankoke and Founder &
Adjunct Professor of Global Economics Marketplace Europe and is currently host CEO of Inflyter Wassim Saadé. Also on
at Trinity College Dublin’s School of of The Agenda, the weekly current affairs the program are Alexander Trieb, Founder
Business and one of the most authoritative talk show on CGTN. and CEO of Duffle, a digital travel retail
– and entertaining – voices on economics marketplace, and John Williams, Global
and geopolitics today; and Raymond TFWA workshops Scotch Director at Diageo.
Cloosterman, Founder and CEO of Rituals, The popular TFWA workshops return This workshop will showcase some
this year, with two sessions scheduled of the latest technological solutions that
during lunchtime on Tuesday, Oct. 4, for are helping brands and retailers engage
The Airport Forum; and Wednesday, Oct. travelers in new ways and put the spotlight
5, for Innovation in Action in the I5 studio on some of those new initiatives, and
inside the Palais des Festivals. explore how new tech is helping shape
The Airport Forum session will positive passenger experiences in the post-
feature Heathrow Airport Retail & pandemic world.
The TFWA Conference is being moderated by Juliet Mann, host of The Agenda on CGTN.
October 2022 14