Page 8 - TFWA World Exhibit 2022 Special Edition
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          How to appeal to younger shoppers when they travel:

          m1nd-set analyzes Millennials vs Gen Zs

              In one of its most recent studies, travel
          research agency m1nd-set took a deep look
          at how travel retailers should best market
          to younger consumers when they travel.
          The two-month age-demographic specific
          research found significant differences and
          unique trends between Millennials and the
          younger Gen Zs.
              In its August newsletter, m1nd-set
          explained that the research looked at the
          importance of both of these age segments,
          comparing their behavior to that of all
          passengers, and analyzed how they buy,
          what they buy, why they buy and how
          much they spend among a range of other
          behavioral traits.
              Millennials –who were born between
          the early 80s and mid 90s and are currently
          aged between 26 and 41, have much more
          spending power than the Gen Zs segment,   following the interaction, while only 67%   Peter Mohn, Owner & Chief
          who are currently aged between 10 and   of Gen Z shoppers said they purchased a   Executive Officer at m1nd-set, explained:
          25. But Gen Zs represent around one third   product thanks to the interaction.   “It is extremely important for travel retail
          of the global population and their share of                          marketers marketing to Millennials and
          consumer spend will grow significantly.  Reaching out: Touch Points  Gen Z traveling consumers to understand
              In its newsletter, m1nd-set notes that   Another significant difference in   where to reach their target audiences when
          while Millennials were the first generation   shopper behavior is how Gen Zs and   they are not traveling. For both these age
          to grow up in the age of the internet, Gen   Millennials react to communications touch   segments, it’s clearly online where they
          Zs are the first generation to grow up in the   points. More than half of Millennials   can be found but among Gen Zs it’s most
          age of mobile internet and social media,   (55%) notice touch points prior to their   commonly on the mobile and via certain
          and this impacts how and when to reach   purchase in GTR when traveling. This is   social media services.”
          them when they travel, says m1nd-set.    above the 47% reported for all passengers.    Mohn says that “Platforms such as
                                            Significantly, only 15% of the Gen Zs say   TikTok have to be integral to the marketing
          Engagement                        they noticed touch points prior to purchase.   mix for marketers who are intent on
              There are significant differences in   This indicates the generational behavior   reaching Gen Z shoppers while Millennials
          how the two groups react when shopping.   differences in general regarding how and   are more prone to be across multiple
          One major difference, m1nd-set reports, is   where the various age groups source and   platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and
          their respective tendency to engage with   digest their information.   Twitter.”
          important shopping influencers, such as
          communications touch points and sales
          staff. Gen Zs tend to approach the sales
          associates in Duty Free shops considerably    Editor/Publisher: Lois R. Pasternak
          less than Millennials. Only 38% of the        In Memoriam: Paul A. Pasternak
          younger age segment say they engage           Executive Editor: Michael Pasternak
          with sales associates, 30% lower than         Editorial Contributors: John Gallagher, Joe Bates
          Millennials, 68% of whom interact with        Production Coordinator & Designer: Chris Hetzer
          store staff. Millennials also tend to engage   Design and Production: It’s About Time, Inc.
                                                        Webmaster: Michael Pasternak
          with sales associates more than average,      Printing by The Printer’s Printer. Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
          since 65% of travelers from all age groups    This publication is a special supplement of Travel Markets Insider, published
          interact with sales staff.                    by Pasternak Communications, Inc., 255 NE 3rd Ave No. 312, Delray Beach,
              The impact of the interaction is also     FL. 33444 USA.
          lower among Gen Z shoppers, reports           Tel (561) 908-2119
          m1nd-set. More than eight out of ten          Travel Markets Insider is a weekly newsletter distributed 50 times a year
                                                        via e-mail, on a subscription basis only.
          shoppers among Millennials and all age        The annual subscription is US$200. Printed in the USA. All rights reserved.
          groups combined report a positive outcome     © 2022 by Pasternak Communications, Inc.

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