Page 61 - Travel Markets Insider October 2021 Issue
P. 61
Ferrero launches Ferrero Rocher Tablets
Ferrero is entering the premium
chocolate tablet category for the first time
in its history.
Over the last three years, a team of
50 people worked on the development
of more than 300 different recipes before
finding the right balance of taste and
texture for a new way to experience
Ferrero Rocher, says the company. Now
Ferrero’s iconic chocolate and hazelnut
Ferrero Rocher speciality, which was
unveiled by the world-famous Italian
confectionery company in 1982, is being
launched globally as a 90g Ferrero Rocher
Tablet. The Ferrero Rocher Tablet comes Ferrero Rocher Tablets, we are offering a first opportunity to sample the new
in three flavors - milk, dark 55% cocoa and new taste experience inspired by one of Ferrero Rocher Tablets at the TFWA
white. The three flavors are available in our most iconic brands which is loved World Exhibition in Cannes. Prior to the
an exclusive travel retail multipack format all over the world. A different chocolate physical show, buyers will be able to
for travelers containing 3 x 90g tablets. shape but one that remains faithful to what gain insight to the new product, and to
Ferrero entered an exclusive partnership Ferrero Rocher lovers expect and a multi- other key initiatives for the year 2021-
with Lagardère to pre-launch this novelty at sensorial taste experience that brings a 2022, at the online Moodie Davitt Virtual
their retail outlets beginning in September special moment of pleasure. We have Travel Retail Expo. In a new-look virtual
2021. These SKUs will be rolled out in the achieved this remarkable result thanks to exhibition space, customers will be
travel retail channels all over the world our constant focus on product innovation guided around the various brand islands
from January 2022. Sergio Salvagno, and the passion for quality that has always to update on the latest developments from
General Manager, FerreroTravel Market distinguished us.” Kinder, Nutella, Tic Tac and the Premium
comments: “With the launch of the new Travel retail buyers will have their Chocolate portfolio.
Ritter Sport introduces new packaging design concept targeting higher
travel retail visibility and focusing on sustainability
Ritter Sport is launching a new communicate its sustainability purpose:
packaging design concept this autumn doing the right thing to create really good
for its Travel Retail Edition range with chocolate. A first step is the on-pack QR
sustainability and visibility in the travel communication where space has been
retail marketplace a key focus. created on all packaging. Travelers have
Ritter Sport is targeting the travel the opportunity to learn about Ritter Sport’s
retail market with updated packaging sustainability engagement via a quick
designs with redesigned paper-based packs. scan of their device. Core topics are 100%
The shift from plastic to paper and certified sustainable cocoa supply chain
rougher cardboard packaging represents the (including the new Rainforest Alliance
brand’s enduring focus on sustainability. logo), as well certified packaging material
The objective is to communicate to the FSC, climate neutral company and a lot
global traveler the existing sustainability more.
credentials of Ritter Sport products due to By 2025, the brand wants to complete Management Travel Retail for Ritter Sport,
the tactile feeling of the packaging. its updated packaging journey from said: “We felt it was time the Travel Retail
Ritter Sport, which was formed in plastic to paper and for its entire range of Edition range really stood out with its own
Germany in 1912, has been working on chocolate bars or individual choco cubes packaging concept. The new exclusive
redefining its travel retail exclusives offer and minis to use fully recyclable plastic foil design celebrates Ritter Sport’s hero
in a crowded market. wraps and pouches. products. The propeller logo design aims
Ritter Sport’s colorful packaging The new design of the exclusive to be more colorful, more impactful and
makeover is focused on design elements travel retail packaging aims to position more exclusive. We wanted to translate
derived from a propeller logo; a color code Ritter Sport as the most colorful, impactful the emotion of travel and wanderlust into
which is related to the respective flavor and sustainable pioneer in travel-retail a new color coded design and packaging
varieties contained in the pack. confectionery. concept that encapsulates the sustainability
Ritter Sport wants to further Nicole Miltenberger, Marketing that Ritter Sport stands for.”
61 October 2021