Page 70 - 2024 Summit of the Americas
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              Juan Gentile (far right) and part of the DISC team at their Miami office.

              DISC solidifies regional growth with strategic brand additions and Miami

                  In the three years since Juan Gentile   that we also carry for Caribbean domestic.”  by consolidating our FTZ warehouse
              created Distribution Spirits Company   Gentile emphasizes how important   operations. With a focus on brand
              (DISC), the company has stayed true to its   it is for DISC to be constantly in the   building, customer satisfaction, operational
              founding vision, and has consolidated and   market, as the Caribbean is made up of   excellence, and strategic partnerships, I’m
              strengthened its presence in the Caribbean   many different islands with people who   confident that we’ll achieve our objectives
              market and duty free sector.       speak different languages and might drink   and further solidify DISC’s position as a
                  Gentile, who worked for Edrington   different spirits.           leader in the region,” he says.
              for almost 20 years, most recently as   “Drawing from over 20 years of   “Our recent acquisition of our own
              Senior Vice President, Managing Director   experience connecting brands with   FTZ zone underscores our commitment to
              Americas Travel Retail at Edrington   consumers across Europe, Latin America,   providing innovative supply chain solutions
              Americas, tells TMI that while DISC has   and Global Travel Retail, the one   and further enhancing our distribution
              added strategic brands to its portfolio, its   fundamental lesson reaffirmed is that   capabilities.”
              goal is to continue to reinforce its presence   people always come first. This principle
              in the regions it operates with its current   applies not only to our team and company   Cruise
              portfolio of premium wines and spirits.  but also to our customers and consumers.  While Gentile founded DISC with
                  “We aim to solidify our position as a   “Ultimately, the journey with DISC   a focus on the Caribbean and duty free
              trusted partner for both our customers and   has reinforced the importance of putting   markets, the cruise business was the
              brand owners, ensuring that we continue   people and relationships at the forefront of   obvious next step, he tells TMI.
              to deliver the right brands to the right   everything we do,” he says.   “Our cruise business is an exciting
              territories and channels,” says Gentile.  “In particular, serving the Caribbean   new venture for us. We’re just beginning to
                  “I want to say I’m truly pleased with   market has highlighted the region’s   introduce our premium portfolio of brands
              our progress since we began in 2021.   remarkable ethnic and cultural diversity.   to the cruise market, and it’s been a good
              Throughout our growth, we’ve stayed true   Each market has unique consumptions   journey so far.
              to our original strategy, which has led to   preferences and purchasing behaviors. By   “We’ve listed Tequila Kah and
              a natural expansion to further reach our   understanding the nuances of this diversity   Rooster Rojo on Virgin Atlantic, offering
              brands’ target consumers more effectively.”  and their dynamics, we can tailor our   travelers the opportunity to experience
                  DISC and its brands have primarily   strategies and offerings to better resonate   premium quality tequila brands, and
              targeted North American nationals, with   with our target audience in the markets we   Ballotin on Norwegian Cruise Lines.
              a lesser focus on Western Europeans and   serve.”                        “In our efforts to expand our presence
              Latinos, says Gentile.                                               within the cruise industry, we’re actively
                  “Recognizing that these consumers   Warehousing                  engaged in conversations with major
              travel frequently by air or sea within the   DISC has consolidated its FTZ   cruise retail and Ship Chandlers. Our goal
              region, we’ve capitalized on the concept of   warehouse operations in Miami, a move   is to establish our portfolio as a preferred
              the consumer travel trail, ensuring that we   Gentile says was key to his company taking   choice among cruise passengers, offering
              engage with them throughout their journey.   its next steps in the region.  our customers a selection of premium
              This strategy has naturally extended into   “One of our key priorities is to further   spirits to enhance their passengers’ onboard
              duty free markets, particularly those brands   enhance our customer service standards   experience.”

               Summit of the Americas  April 2024                           70

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