Page 78 - 2024 Summit of the Americas
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              Cruise listings, premium activations, highlight MONARQ’s regional power

                  With an impressive portfolio of                                  menu for 2024. Also, the ‘Carajillo,’ made
              top-name brands, MONARQ Group’s                                      with Licor 43 and espresso, has seen
              investment in its team and office has paid                           strong growth over the last year and into
              off as the independent distributor and                               2024, especially on Norwegian Cruise
              marketer of premium alcoholic beverages                              Line. We created a special menu insert
              has become one of the top players in the                             for NCL, highlighting the Carajillo,”
              region.                                                              says de Monchy. “We also partnered with
                  “Despite the political - and socio-                              Regent of the Seas to create an exclusive
              economic challenges in South America                                 Hayman’s Gin tasting experience onboard
              and the general destocking at distributor                            their newest ship Grandeur, highlighting
              - and wholesale level, 2023 has been                                 the rich history of Hayman’s, being a great
              another strong year for MONARQ,”                                     pairing for Regent of the Seas guests.”
              Robert de Monchy, MONARQ Group                                           In the United States, MONARQ has
              Founder tells TMI. “We have further                                  taken its partnership with DFS to the next
              grown and strengthened our organization                              level, and will be featuring some of its
              and have recently moved into our new                                 high-end whiskies at the first Master of
              larger office in Coconut Grove, Miami, to                            Wine and Spirits event taking place in the
              accommodate the short term as well as the                            country later in the year.
              future expansion of the company. These   MONARQ featured Condesa Gin at JFK   “In partnership with DFS we have
              investments are paying off, as the year   Terminal 4 with DFS.       recently installed a beautiful display of
              2024 has started incredibly well, tracking                           Condesa Gin at JFK Terminal 4 in New
              way ahead of last year-to-date.”   Fast-growing cruise channel       York. We are also a partner in DFS’ Master
                  MONARQ says that in the aftermath   While countries in Latin America   of Wine and Spirits event. For the first
              of the pandemic, there was a spike in   and the Caribbean are dealing with these   time, DFS is launching this gala experience
              Caribbean tourism in 2022. However,   challenges, cruise has gone from strength   in the USA, and we have partnered together
              macro-economic and political challenges   to strength for MONARQ and its brands.  to highlight several of our brands, namely
              have begun to impact MONARQ’s         Cruise was MONARQ’s fastest    Tomatin, Benromach and Matsui. We
              business in South America.         growing channel in 2023 and that   have further created an exclusive Tomatin
                  “Last year, countries like Argentina,   momentum has continued into 2024.  Master Class for this event, highlighting
              Peru and Ecuador have been dealing with   “Bermuda’s Gosling’s Rum and   extremely rare qualities such as Tomatin
              serious political - and social-economic   Ginger Beer have been very successful   50-year-old,” says de Monchy.
              challenges. Unfortunately, Haiti is currently   across the cruise lines due to the popular   In Latin America, MONARQ has had
              going through very turbulent times, which   ‘Dark and Stormy.’ We have tapped into   wins for its brands with London Supply.
              we follow closely because of our brand   some strong growth opportunities with   “We are experiencing a continued
              partners at Barbancourt Rhum,” says de   this brand. For example, Carnival Cruise   long-term success with the frozen
              Monchy.                            Line listed the Dark and Stormy on their   Limoncello di Capri activation at
                                                                                   London Supply in Iguazu. Early January,
                                                                                   MONARQ was a proud sponsor again of
                                                                                   the London Supply golf charity event with
                                                                                   Heineken and Drumshanbo Gunpowder

                                                                                   New brands
                                                                                       MONARQ’s portfolio continues to
                                                                                   grow and evolve as it adds new brands.
                                                                                       “We are proud to have further
                                                                                   strengthened our (world) whisky portfolio
                                                                                   with renowned premium international
                                                                                   brands such as Nikka from Japan, Kavalan
                                                                                   from Taiwan and The GlenAllachie and
                                                                                   The Glenturret from Scotland.
                                                                                       “Our partner Brown-Forman has
                                                                                   recently acquired Diplomatico rum, which
                                                                                   we are currently launching throughout
                  MONARQ Group and Scottish distillery, The Glenturret, announced that they have   the territory. Moreover, we recently
                  formed a strategic distribution partnership for the Caribbean and Latin America.   launched White Claw Hard Seltzer in the

               Summit of the Americas  April 2024                           78

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