Page 14 - The Summit 2021 flip book
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              There will also be a marked shift   travelers seeking out travel retail exclusives   on the packaging,” Mohn continued. “Our
          towards a healthier lifestyle and more   more than they did pre-COVID.   research shows that the story-telling aspect
          environmentally friendly consumer     m1nd-set owner & CEO Peter Mohn   around a product carries enormous weight
          behavior among international travelers   commented: “The research findings   in the purchase decision making process.
          willing to receive the vaccine. Also, 56%   demonstrate that post-COVID shoppers   These ‘good news’ stories will enable retail
          say they will actively seek out high quality,   among international travelers will be more   staff and brand ambassadors to engage
          naturally sourced and health-conscious   discerning towards natural, organic and   with customers in new ways and not only
          products; and 50% will pay more attention   sustainably sourced and packaged products.   increase their understanding of the product,
          to the sustainability of the product   Retailers and brand ambassadors will need   but also enhance the overall shopping
          packaging with 47% saying they will be   to put significantly greater focus during   experience with the knowledge that their
          more attentive to the sustainability of the   staff training on these new aspects to ensure   purchase is also positive for the planet.”
          products themselves. Duty Free exclusives   they are able to communicate these special   For more information, or to purchase
          will be of more interest to this shopper   values to the shoppers.”  the full report, please contact m1nd-set:
          segment also, with 46% of pro-vaccine   “It won’t be enough simply to put it

          U.S. domestic recovery in air traffic to be led by JetBlue & Spirit

              Low cost airlines JetBlue and Spirit   airlines are currently poised to operate   from June. Overall, JetBlue will offer
          are leading the way in air traffic recovery in   just shy of 457 million departing seats   slightly less than one million seats from
          the United States, according to an article in   on domestic services for the same period   Miami in S21, accounting for 4.2% of the
          the March 23 news and analysis.   of 2021, which is over 10% less than the   carrier’s total seats this coming summer.
              The U.S. domestic market handled 812   offering seen in 2019, but an encouraging   Spirit Airlines, like JetBlue, has a
          million passengers in 2019, a number that   67% gain on last year.   similar number of routes planned to be
          fell to 336 million in 2020 after COVID-19   The chart below shows airline   flown in S21 (250 US domestic routes in
          hit, reports the Bureau of Transportation   projections for the next six months,   S21 based on OAG), with files indicating
          Statistics. This was a decrease of 59%   compared to their pre-pandemic capacity  it is planning to operate 35 routes this
          versus 2019, says          JetBlue Airways and Spirit Airlines   upcoming summer which it did not operate,
              In the six-month period between   are leading growth, predicting a +20%   or plan to operate, in S20.
          March and August 2019, the top 12 U.S.   increase in seat capacity for July and notes that airline schedules
          domestic carriers combined offered over   August versus what each flew in 2019.  are under continual change but, these
          509 million departing seats. This dropped   The biggest change to JetBlue’s   developments indicate which airlines are
          by 46% during the same six months in   schedule is its arrival in Miami. The airline   planning ahead with optimism for growth
          2020 to 273 million.              now links MIA with New York JFK, New   for the upcoming summer season.
              Based on statistics from OAG   York Newark, Boston and Los Angeles.
          Schedules Analyser data, these same 12   A Hartford route is planned to commence

          The Virtual Summit of the Americas Issue April 2021                 14
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