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Rouge Duty Free enters St. Croix with luxury store and confirms
optimism for future rebound
International retail chain Rouge reception attended by VIPs, socialites, been well received by the local population,
inaugurated its first post COVID Rouge influencers, and bloggers from the Island, who have embraced it from day one. We
Duty Free store in St. Croix on Friday, who received hand delivered invitations, have been extremely successful with the
March 26, 2021. With 1,400 square feet of reports Raymond Kattoura, whose local markets in the Caribbean, where
retail space, the store is located in Orange company Duty Free & Travel Retail Group we have mixed luxury with lifestyle and
Grove Plaza in Christiansted, and reflects Inc. helps manage the business for Rouge practicality. This is what makes our stores
the company’s confidence in a strong future Duty Free Retail Caribe, which owns the stand out.”
in the region. new store. Kattoura tells TMI that when
Rouge Duty Free St. Croix is the Guests enjoyed a ‘full moon Cruzan searching for store locations, the company
luxury shopping destination for St. Croix. evening,’ with local music, open bar, and looks for areas within easy reach of the
The store has the largest fragrance and skin local bites. The reception was held indoors business neighborhood, with convenient
care assortment on the island, along with a and out, following the COVID-19 protocols parking and accessibility.
luxurious Mont Blanc corner boutique, and in place. “Rouge will be opening additional
a Furla handbags leather corner as well. “This is our second Rouge store in doors in St. Croix in both the East and West
It also houses the spa cabin for exclusive the USVI, and our 53rd store in the overall end to be able to serve the entire sland,” he
skincare brands Valmont and Cellcosmet. company (Buenos Aires-based Perfumerias says.
The gala opening was a red carpet Rouge),” says Kattoura. “The new store has Speaking about the potential that
Rouge sees for the island, Kattoura says:
“St. Croix was the top luxury destination
in the Caribbean, with stores featuring
French and Italian fashion complete with
cat walks. Brands such as Mont Blanc,
Caron, and other top names lined the streets
in town. Unfortunately, the island passed
through a hard period due to hurricanes and
other matters, and most of this was lost.
The neighboring islands took advantage
of the void and grabbed the tourism and
“But the tide is changing again, and
we will see new Islands emerging as
important destinations. St Croix’s economy
is on a fast rebound. And with the re-
opening of the refinery, a surge in tourism
and corporate investors, the island is
heading for success one more time. Several
Raymond Kattoura welcoming guests to the official opening of the first Rouge Duty Free celebrities call St Croix their home away
store in St. Croix, USVI. from home, including President Biden.”
The Virtual Summit of the Americas Issue April 2021 26