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              as Rational Pre-Planners, are more likely   of differentiation and uniqueness. It needs   “Understanding who the customer
              to purchase products in the Fine Food   to take account of these variables as well   is and which segment they belong to is
              category. Local Touch Seekers are also the   as specific attitudes to shopping, travel   essential when designing the consumer
              most likely to purchase Souvenirs & Gift   frequency, in addition to demographic data   communications, not least among staff in
              Items and Travel accessories.      of course.”                       duty free and travel retail stores,” Susset
                  Commenting on the travel retail   Dr. Peter Mohn, m1nd-set CEO and   continued. “The customer segmentation
              customer segmentation model, m1nd-  Owner, added: “It is important for the   model has proved to be a highly successful
              set Chief Operating Officer Clara Susset   airport, airline, cruise or ferry operator and   tool in staff training programs where staff
              said: “Shoppers behave quite differently   their commercial partners, to understand   are trained on which are the most common
              in the travel retail environment and   the proportions of each customer segment   segments in their retail environment,
              have a different set of expectations than   that are traveling through their facilities   how to identify consumers based on their
              consumers when shopping in the high   and visiting their shops. Only when this has   segment family and then how to approach
              street. Customer segmentation therefore   been analyzed and understood, is it then   them, and which type of product and price
              needs to be adapted to the various   possible to adapt the product selection and   range to propose.”
              influencing elements that are unique to   brand portfolio according to the customer   More information on the research can
              the sector; elements such as excitement,   segment families represented in a travel   be obtained from m1nd-set by writing to
              stress, desire for novelty and expectations   retail location.”

              NRF 2022 top 50 global retailers focus on value

                                                                                                                                                                                              Fiercely independent.
                  The National Retail Federation    In a commentary, NRF notes that   global-retailers-2022
              released its annual list of the Top 50 Global   major Chinese online retailer Alibaba   Note: Any comparison of retailers                                                        Globally distributed.
              Retailers, a compilation of the 50 most   is still among the Top 50 but regulatory   operating in multiple countries is made
              impactful international retailers based   changes in its home market have limited its   difficult by currency exchange rates and                                               Justifiably extravagant.
              on their operations at the start of 2021,   advantages in financial technology.  domestic market strengths that can distort
              conducted with Kantar Retail.         Kantar’s ranking methodology uses   comparisons over time. To minimize
                  Perhaps reflecting the times, six of the   a system in which points are given to   these impacts, Kantar’s retailer database
              top ten global retailers dealt with groceries   retailers based on their domestic and   is maintained in a retailer’s reported
              in one way or another; and there were no   international retail revenues. To qualify for   local currency, which has been converted
              luxury brands in the top 10.       the rankings, retailers must have a direct   to U.S. dollars using the International
                  Walmart continues to be the world’s   investment in at least three countries.   Monetary Fund rates database for the
              largest retailer, both domestically and   See full list at:  assignment of rank points and the
              internationally, having made significant   top-retailers/top-50-global-retailers/top-50-  construction of this list.
              investments in omnichannel marketplaces,
              in-store services and fulfillment models,
              according to the research. But it faces
              challenges within the Top 10 from Amazon,
              Schwarz Group, Aldi and Costco, all of
              which are tapping into new markets for
              value shopping, says NRF.
                  Holding on to the same rankings as
              2021, Walmart was number one, Amazon.
              com came in second, Schwarz Group
              (Germany) came in at No. 3 and Aldi
              (Germany) came in fourth. Costco (USA)
              came in as a newcomer to the top five,
              rising from No. 6 the previous year.
                  Other ranking changes in the top 10
              include No. 13 Alibaba (China) - down
              from No. 5 in 2021, No. 6 Ahold Delhaize
              (Netherlands) -up from No. 7, No. 7
              Carrefour (France) -up from No. 8 due to
              better-than-expected growth in Brazil and
              Argentina, No. 8 IKEA (Sweden) –up from
              No. 9, No 9. Seven & I (Japan) - up from
              No. 13 and No. 10 The Home Depot (USA)
              up from No. 15.

               Summit of the Americas  April 2022                           10
   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15