Page 62 - IAADFS 2022 hi-res
P. 62


                                                                                              WTDC President & CEO
                                                                                              Sean Gazitua displays
                                                                                              Proclamation from Miami-
                                                                                              Dade County naming
                                                                                              Tuesday, March 8, 2022, as
                                                                                              ‘WTDC 45th Anniversary

              WTDC – a “company with a conscience” --for 45 years

                  Miami-based, family-owned logistics   business operations are far from normal   the trend moves back to a more fluid just-
              business WTDC, which celebrated its   as we navigate issues that began in the   in-time supply chain at a global scale but it
              45th anniversary last month, has seen its   pandemic,” says Gazitua.  will be at least another year before there is
              business evolve throughout the pandemic   “Port congestion leads the logistical   much movement in that direction.”
              as the world begins to return to normal.  issue headlines but the scarcity of available   Sean is now the third generation to run
                  WTDC is well-known for specializing   bookings, a significant leap in Trans-Pacific   WTDC after becoming President and CEO
              in inventory management for Duty Free   container rates, and drayage obstacles present   in 2017 succeeding his father Ralph L.
              and Global Travel Retail. As a full service   daily challenges. The change in shipping rates   Gazitua, and he appreciates the legacy that
              logistics company, it offers door to door   has even eliminated some supplier business   his grandfather started 45 years ago.
              transportation services and Foreign Trade   that operated on thin margins.”  “My grandfather Luis Rafael Gazitua
              Zone warehousing for Spirits, Cosmetics,    The pandemic had a significant   started WTDC with my father Ralph and
              Tobacco, and Electronics.          impact on WTDC’s day-to-day business as   uncle John. The company started as a General
                  President and CEO Sean Gazitua says   inventory that would have been processed   Order (G.O.) Warehouse, a service to U.S.
              the company’s success over the past 45   for cruise ships and duty free stores sat   Customs and responsible for processing cargo
              years is a testament to the dedication of   idle,” says Gazitua.     that was denied entry into the U.S. With
              its employees and the willingness of the   “WTDC added verticals like medical   technological advances in documentation
              company to reinvent itself. The company   supply, electronics, and renewable energy   and changes to incoterms, the General Order
              was founded in 1977 as the first General   to its service mix during the pandemic.   business decreased over the years. WTDC
              Order (G.O.) warehouse in Miami, Florida.   As things progress, we’ve implemented   for many years provided infrastructure to
              Today, WTDC is an internationally   technology to work with the increased   3PLs as a Bonded Warehouse, processing
              respected full-service logistics company   number of stay-at-home professionals and   consolidations and freight of all kinds for
              and Foreign Trade Zone.            process more orders through electronic data   freight forwarders. We are a company of
                  “Serving the logistics needs of our   interchange (EDI) connectivity.”  firsts – first G.O. Warehouse in Miami,
              customers is not without its challenges   WTDC was able to do what it has   among the first Bonded Warehouses, and
              in these times,” says Gazitua. “But by   for the past 45 years when the pandemic   the first operating Foreign Trade Zone in
              building better relationships, planning   brought the travel industries to a standstill:   PortMiami’s FTZ 281 in 2012. WTDC’s
              logistics well ahead, and putting   it moved quickly and evolved, says   added additional services over the years such
              technology at the forefront, we can   Gazitua.                       as domestic transport, Customs Brokerage,
              still help our customers exceed their   “Our company has evolved thanks   freight forwarding, and Foreign Trade Zone
              performance benchmarks.”           to our ability to recognize trends and   status,” he says.
                  Gazitua tells TMI that the pandemic   make changes within our organization.   “Legacy is important when discussing
              has caused global logistical issues, which   As a family business, we can cut through   the family business. My grandparents were
              WTDC deals with now on a daily basis.  the corporate red tape to make sweeping   pioneers in the logistics industry in South
                   “We are seeing our warehousing   changes much quicker than some of our   Florida. It is an honor and a responsibility
              customers increase the size and frequency   corporate counterparts. The supply chain   to continue in this line of work and grow
              of their orders as the cruise industry   is still reeling from the pandemic with   a company with a conscience. We value
              and duty free stores rebuild their tourist   some suppliers loading up on inventory   faith, education, community, health, and
              traffic. While transportation volumes   to mitigate any shortages from shipping   hope those values translate back into the
              have resumed, our freight forwarding   congestion. In the next few years, we hope   organization.”

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