Page 1036 - B2B All Year Round Vol.8
P. 1036

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                                                                                     DONGJIN SEMICHEM manufactures and sells dis-

                                                                                     play and semiconductor materials as well as materi-

                                                                                     als for renewable energy applications (Rechargeable

                                                                                     batteries, fuelcells) and foaming agents. The compa-

                                                                                     ny’s  display  and  semiconductor  products  include

                                                                                     chemical process materials such as photoresists(PR),

                                                                                     bottom anti-reflective coatings(BARC), spin-on-car-

                                                                                     bon (SOC), chemical mechanical polishing (CMP)

                                                                                     slurries, wet chemicals, colored resists, organic insu-

                                                                                     lators, etc.

                                                                                     DONGJIN SEMICHEM has recently begun investing

                                                                                     in and developing next-generation renewable energy

                                                                                     technologies including fuel cells and rechargeable

                                                                                     batteries, utilizing expertise from producing elec-

                                                                                     tronic materials.

                                                                                   동진쎄미켐은  반도체  및  디스플레이용  재료,  대체에너지용

                                                                                   재료와 발포제를 제조 판매하는 회사입니다.  당사가 제조하는

                                                                                   반도체  및  디스플레이용  재료는  감광액,  반사방지막,  넃,

                                                                                   연마제, Wet chemical, Colored Resist, Organic Insula-

                                                                                   tor 등으로 전자소재의 첨단화와 집적화에 기여하는 화학공정


                                                                                     최근에는  전자재료  분야에서  쌓아온  기술력을  바탕으로

                                                                                   차세대 신재생에너지인 연료전지, 이차전지 분야에 집중 투자,

                                                                                   개발하고 있습니다.
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