Page 1162 - B2B All Year Round Vol.8
P. 1162

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                                                                                                      Kovico Co., Ltd. was launched in 2000 as a

                                                                                                      single corporation with three factories in

                                                                                                      the  former  Seoul selbo  Gwangju  area.

                                                                                                      Since its inception, Kobico has built its own

                                                                                                      business  area  in  the automobile  industry

                                                                                                      and has been steadily developing it. In ad-

                                                                                                      dition, we are doing our best to develop our

                                                                                                      own brand while supplying products to do-

                                                                                                      mestic and foreign automakers in the OEM

                                                                                                      method. Based on over 40 years of pro-

                                                                                                      duction know-how and the company's core

                                                                                                      values, Kobico is committed to supplying

                                                                                                      the best products to customers. We will all

                                                                                                      do our best.
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