Page 1190 - B2B All Year Round Vol.8
P. 1190

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                                                                       Korea Mobility Co., Ltd. is a research company specializing in

                                                                       smart mobility,   autonomous driving, AI, IOT, and control

                                                                       platforms. Starting with short- distance mobility (two-wheel,

                                                                       reverse-wheeled electric kickboard, reverse- wheeled elec-

                                                                       tric vehicle, reverse-wheelchair)

                                                                        By establishing an E-Mobility Line Up system with special

                                                                       means of transportation, the company has made generous

                                                                       efforts and investments in   developing new products as well

                                                                       as in its own planning (design), production,   and production.

                                                                        It is a company that is opening a new era of E-Mobility,

                                                                       thinking ahead of the future and preparing for the future.

                                                                       (주)코리아모빌리티는  스마트  모빌리티,  자율주행,  AI,  IOT,  관제

                                                                       플랫폼 분야     전문 연구소기업으로서, 근거리 이동수단(2륜, 역삼륜형

                                                                       전동킥보드, 역삼륜형    전동킥바이크, 배달전용 전기차, 전기자전거와

                                                                       시니어  스쿠터,  전동  휠체어)을        시작으로  특수형  이동수단까지

                                                                       E-Mobility Line Up 체제를 구축함으로써, 자체   기획(설계), 생산,

                                                                       제작뿐만 아니라 신제품 개발에도 아낌없는 노력과 투자를     함으로써

                                                                       E-Mobility의 새로운 시대를 열어가고 미래를 앞서 생각하고 미래를

                                                                       준비하는 기업입니다.
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