Page 1223 - B2B All Year Round Vol.8
P. 1223

ONE PAGER  : Consulting & Research Division

                               Program for                                                           ENTRY STRATEGY
                          increased efficiency

                         and performance in                                                             for the global                  EMERGING MARKET
                                                                                                       market  from an                           STUDY

                              AFTER SALES                                                             Asian companies
                                                                                                        point of view.                 Characterized by rapid

                                                               AUTONOOUS PROGRA                                                        and economic growth
                                                                   MING SUPPORT                                                        such as APAC, ASEAN

                                                                Value-added service.

                          STRATEGIES                                                                       BENCHMARK

                 Translation of strategic a                                                                                                        COMPETITIVE
                 lternatives into a cogent                         ORGANIZATIONAL                     What does it take to                          STRATEGIES
                    Strategy with target                             DEVELOPMENT                       become the world’s
                             market                                                                            leading                       What competitors are
                                                                                                              company                         doing now and what
                                                                  can help a company                                                             they are able to
                                                                       Maximize its                                                               replicate in the
                                                                       effectiveness                                                                    future
   1218   1219   1220   1221   1222   1223   1224   1225   1226   1227   1228