Page 1273 - B2B All Year Round Vol.8
P. 1273
K o re a I n s t i t u t e o f I n d u s t r i a l T e c hno l o gy K o re a I n s t i t u t e o f I n d u s t r i a l T e c hno l o gy K o re a I n s t i t u t e o f I n d u s t r i a l T e c hno l o gy K o re a I n s t i t u t e o f I n d u s t r i a l T e c hno l o gy
KITECH designated advanced manufacturing & materials technology, Clean Manufacturing System, KITECH has enhanced technological competitiveness of SMEs and KITECH is leading technology support across the nation with extensive network of research centers Planning and proposing policies to respond to evolving technology trend and
convergence technology as the three key research areas medium-sized firms by providing various supports and services from systems specialized in the 3 key research areas: advanced manufacturing & materials technology, global market changes and leading government-driven production development projects
essential to advance SMEs and Korea’s entire manufacturing industry. for partner companies which support the companies by transferring technologies convergence technology and clean manufacturing system. to make preparation for the future market in advance.
KITECH makes efforts to strengthen Korea’s industrial fundamentals with needs-based R&D and for commercializing technologies required in manufacturing sites, With an aim to reduce blind spot in technology transfer for SMEs and
commercialization and securing fundamental technology to lead the future. and to the opening of laboratories for the companies lacking equipment to respond more effectively to the needs, we are establishing and running 7 divisions of
and facilities, and the operation of research facilities dedicated to SMEs. Seonam, Dongnam, Daegyeong, Gangwon, Ulsan, Jeonbuk and Jeju to strengthen technology
transfer customized to the needs of the field.
01 Advanced Manufacturing & Materials Technology ‘Technology Transfer’ with Internal R&BD Process Research Institute of A Think Tank for Institutional R&D Strategies in Sync with National Science and Technology Policies
Advanced Manufacturing & Research Institute of Industrial Technology Strategy Division
Advanced Manufacturing Technology, the underlying foundation of User-oriented exploration/development, patent application, technology transfer and Materials Technology Clean Manufacturing System To respond to the collapse of global value chains in the material, component, and equipment
manufacturing competitiveness of Korea, KITECH creates “ACE” technology business building, post management, etc. Running ‘IP (Intellectual Property) 6 Main Root Technologies such as Casting, Forming, Smart Manufacturing Process, Sustainable Energy industries and the pandemic; prevent fine dust, disasters, and damage; and adapt to AI trends
Production System, Wellness Technology
Welding, Joining, Plastic Working,
Management Support’ system, performance management system for the entire cycle. Surface Treatment (intelligentization of manufacturing), the think tank establishes institutional R&D strategies in
89 Yangdaegiro-gil, Ipjang-myeon, Seobuk-gu, sync with national science and technology policies
156 Gaetbeol-ro, Songdo-dong, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon Cheonan-si, Chungcheongnam-do
The 6 root technologies of casting, molding, heat processing, surfacing, plastic working and T. 032-850-0114 F. 032-850-0120 T. 041-589-8114 F. 041-589-8120 The Center of Dissemination and Facilitation of Green Manufacturing Systems
welding are the essential technologies to the process of turning raw materials into Korea National Cleaner Production Center
industrial materials and from materials to parts. Based on the longest history and the best research R&D PATENT
capabilities in the nation, KITECH is focusing on development and support of root technology to GENERATION PLANNING/ APPLICATION/ TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT Establishing green production system to eradicate fundamental causes of pollution starting
drive technology competitiveness of SMEs, the producers in the field and CONDUCTING REGISTRATION Research Institute of Gangwon Division from the design stage, to promote development and dissemination of green production
technology and collecting/analyzing/providing environmental regulations of global markets.
quality competitiveness of major industries of Korea. PROCESS Convergence Technology Non-ferrous Metals Technologies,
Robotics, Textile, Convergence Technology Additive Manufacturing Technology
PILOT STUDY/ TECHNOLOGY 143 Hanggaul-ro, Sa-dong, Sangnok-gu, 137-41 Gwahakdanji-ro, Daejeon-dong, The Center of National Ppuri Industry Promotion
IDEA SORTING/ INVENTION PATENT TRANSFER Gangneung-si, Gangwon-do Korea National Ppuri Industry Center
Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do
EVALUATION REPORT MANAGEMENT NEGOTIATION T. 031-8040-6114 F. 031-8040-6040 T. 033-655-3903 F. 033-655-3904
02 Clean Manufacturing System Serving as a control tower for convergence development of national industries,
playing the role of creative industry convergency policy research/planning, creating
KITECH supports sustainable growth of Korean industry new market for industrial convergence and enhancing convergence capabilities of SMEs.
by developing energy-efficient and eco-friendly manufacturing systems Jeonbuk Division Daegyeong Division
Agricultural Machinery, Construction Equipment, Mechatronics, Establishing Creative Economy with Industrial Convergence
‘Partnership System’ the Tailored Support Service to Carbon Materials Technology AI System Technology Korea National Industrial Convergence Center
KITECH is working on sophistication of production system of Korean manufacturers, Help Companies Grow 222 Palbok-ro, Palbok-dong 2(i)-ga, Deokjin-gu, 320 Techno sunhwan-ro, Yuga-myeon, Serving as a control tower for convergence development of national industries,
Jeonju-si, Jeollabuk-do
by adding green aspects to production system. With development of energy efficient and T. 063-210-3721 F. 033-210-3700 Dalseong-gun, Daegu playing the role of creative industry convergency policy research/planning, creating
T. 053-580-0114 F. 053-580-0120
eco-friendly production system, it leads sustainable growth of domestic industries. Offering tailored support for each growth stage including R&D-based technology new market for industrial convergence and enhancing convergence capabilities of SMEs.
priority support, support for technology innovation through technology community and
close support with field visit. Realizing the Dream of National Prosperity by Building Industrial Bases with Rare Metal
Seonam Division Ulsan Division Korea Institute for Rare Metal
03 Convergence Technology EV Components & Materials, Green Materials, Advanced Forming Process Securing stable supply of rare metal to build robust basis for domestic rare metal industry and
Applied Optics, Nano-Photonics Technology Technology
developing and supporting materials technology to turn materials into parts and
KITECH leads the innovation of existing industries and creates 208-6 Cheomdangwagi-ro, Buk-gu, Gwangju 55 Jongga-ro, Jung-gu, Ulsan circulation technology to recycle rare material included in discarded products.
T. 062-600-6114 F. 062-600-6419
T. 052-980-6600 F. 052-280-6669
new markets by developing industrial technology convergence ‘Open Labs’ Wide Open for SMEs to Have Access to and
Use High-End Equipment Hub of Creative Engineering Industry Development
Korea National Engineering Technology Center
It overcomes technological limitation with convergence of technology and Opening 44 labs across the nation for SMEs to ensure them easy and Jeju Division Dongnam Division
technology, technology and industry and industry and industry. convenient access to high-tech equipment and also offering diverse technology Building grounds for policy and business to nurture national growth engine industries,
It also leads innovation of existing industries and opens new market with Bio Convergence, Green Innovation Technology Precision Manufacturing, Advanced Surface including engineering companies incubation, core brain & talents nurturing and
Treatment Technology
convergence production technology development to open new future. support services of test, inspection and prototype development. 102, Jejudaehak-ro, Jeju-si, Jeju-do knowledge service R&BD.
(within Jeju University) 60-30 Gwahaksandan 1-ro, Jisa-dong,
T. 064-754-1500 F. 064-754-1510 Gangseo-gu, Busan
T. 051-309-7400 F. 051-309-7510