Page 312 - B2B All Year Round Vol.8
P. 312

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                                                                                    Since  its  establishment  in  2001,  MOTREX  Co.  Ltd.

                                                                                    has  been  endeavoring  for  In-Vehicle  Infotainment

                                                                                    (IVI) development started with vehicle components

                                                                                    business and currently supplies various automotive

                                                                                    IT  products  to  Domestic/overseas  automakers.

                                                                                    MOTREX will continue to make efforts to become a

                                                                                    leading company smart car industry represented by

                                                                                    connected cars and self-driving car expanding  busi-

                                                                                    ness to ADAS(Advanced Driver Assistance System),

                                                                                    Telematics  based  on  business  experiences  in

                                                                                    AVN(Audio  Video  Navigation),  AVNT(Audio  Video

                                                                                    Navigation + Telematics), and RSE(Rear Seat Enter-

                                                                                    tainment) etc.

                                                                                    2001년 창사이래 우리 모트렉스는 전장사업을 시작으로 IVI

                                                                                    (In  Vehicle  Infotainment)  개발을  진행해오고  있으며,

                                                                                    국내/해외  완성차에  다양한  차량용  IT제품을  공급하고

                                                                                    있습니다. 앞으로 우리는 끊임없이 축적해온 AVN (Audio

                                                                                    Video Navigation), AVNT (Audio Video Navigation +

                                                                                    Telematics) and RSE (Rear Seat Entertainment) 등의

                                                                                    사업  경험을  토대로  ADAS  (Advanced  Driver  Assis-

                                                                                    tance System), Telematics 등의 영역을 확장해 스마트카

                                                                                    산업의 선도기업이 되겠습니다.
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