Page 798 - B2B All Year Round Vol.8
P. 798

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                                                                       Pumpkin is a company specializing in electric vehicles and

                                                                       smart cities. It is a company that specializes in electric buses

                                                                       among electric vehicles, and has built and operated the larg-

                                                                       est charging station with 70% of domestic electric buses na-

                                                                       tionwide and 105 stations.

                                                                       펌프킨은 전기차, 스마트시티 전문업체입니다. 전기차 중 전기버스를

                                                                       전문으로 하고 있으며 국내 전기버스 전국 점유율 70%, 105개소로

                                                                       최대 충전소를 구축·운영하고 있는 기업입니다.
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