Page 1 - Harambee Diary
P. 1

T       h     e      Harambee
                                                                                                      Volume 1


           The first Harambee committee
             started The Black Arts Festival 50

             year ago under the watch of a group
             called Together INC..  Over the past 5
             decades on the average of 5 to 7 year
             spans, the Black Arts Festival

             committees have changed hands ushering in
             new perspectives and growth. These changes
               have resulted in the African American culture
                  work force promoting the spirit of the

                       Panther; Black People working collectively
                           taking responsibility for the matters of
                                                                                         Printed by Pittsburgh Water
                                      Black lives “Ujima” forming the                    Authority Alconsan
                                          Harambee society. Vital

                                             evidence of African
                                               American Culture insuring
                                                 Pittsburgh is the most                  Black Art Festival
                                                 livable-city for all.                   Three year History
                                                                                            2018  to 2020

                       Diversity FOOTprint economic Justice project of The Thomas Merton Center
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