Page 32 - Harambee Diary
P. 32
Teaching the communities how to Breathe Again
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. a year before his death illustrates the Human
Rights civic/economic justice dilemma in his book Where Do We Go from
Here - Chaos or Community? Writes ”White America was ready to demand
that the Negro should be spared the lash of brutality and coarse degradation,
but it had never been truly committed to helping him out of poverty, exploita-
tion or all forms of discrimination”. What Dr. King’s book refers to is the 1960
reform laws are just respectful behavior illusions of good social responsible
Think about our regions historical call of Harambee and the Black Arts Festi-
val has over 5o years mobilized the Arts the life blood of any culture. Apply-
ing Black Power collectively looking after our rights and liberties of Ameri-
ca’s minority citizenry.
Today you’re here witnessing history of African American in the region col-
lectively taking its next step in the civic right movement. Arms lock together
building a trade exchange right in the streets of the East End of Pennsylva-
nia; to help compensate for both lose of income, and to offer a remedy and
bring to an end exploitation and the dis-ease profit brings when controlled by
racism, and outrageous fortunes.
The call of Harambee today is to brand Ujima cross the whole East End of
Pennsylvania; the spirit of the Black Panther a tradition of Black Cultural
Pride and Unity working together taking responsibility for the matters of Black
The Harambee - Black Arts Season/2019 Three Festivals:
Teen Works Chartable Organization sponsor of
Wilkinsburg Black Arts Festival - July 12 th- 14th
Harambee Ujime Black Art and Culture Association
sponsor of: Homewood Black Arts Festival - August 2nd- 4th
P.P.Y.P. A, Pittsburgh Positive Young People Association
sponsor of Larimer-East Liberty Black Arts Festival - August 23rd - 25th
Wilkinsburg Black Arts Festival Sponsors
C Lori Moran .S. McKee,
P.Daily Juice Magistrate Kim Hoots
State Representative Ed Gainey
Metro Mobile, Lori Moran
Pittsburgh Positive Young People Association Publication Printed by
Haranbee Ujima Black Art and Culture Association Anew Community Institute