Page 12 - Programme Book SEACOM-PITFMB 2023
P. 12

August 10  -13   2023                                      12
                   Hotel Lombok Raya, Lombok, Indonesia
    Welcome Message by the President of SEAFOMP

                        Dear Friends and Colleagues,

                        It  is  with  great  honor  and  pleasure  that  I  welcome  you  to  the  21st
                        SEACOMP  and  6th  PIT-FMB,  organized  under  the  auspices  of  the
                        Indonesian  Associa on  of  Physicists  in  Medicine  (AFISMI).  As  the
                        President of SEAFOMP, I extend a warm and hear elt welcome to each and
                        every one of you.

                        This congress holds immense significance as it serves as a pla orm for
     scien fic exchange, collabora on, and knowledge sharing among medical physicists, researchers,
     healthcare professionals, students, and industry experts from across the South-East Asia region and
     beyond. It exemplifies our collec ve commitment to advancing the field of medical physics and
     improving pa ent care.

     I extend my hear elt congratula ons to AFISMI and the Indonesian Alliance of Medical Physics
     Educa onal Ins tu ons (AIPFMI) for their outstanding efforts in making this congress a resounding
     success. AFISMI and AIPFMI have consistently led the way in promo ng excellence in medical
     physics and biophysics in the region. It is a privilege for SEACOMP to conjoint with PIT-FMB once
     again (the first conjoint mee ng took place in 2019 in Bali).

     I would also like to express my sincere apprecia on to the plenary and invited speakers, whose
     exper se and insights will undoubtedly enrich our understanding of the latest advancements in
     medical physics. Your contribu ons and willingness to share your knowledge are invaluable, and we
     are honored to have you as part of this congress.

     To the members of the organizing commi ee, I offer my hear elt gra tude for your unwavering
     dedica on,  me culous  planning,  and   reless  efforts  in  bringing  this  congress  to  life.  Your
     commitment to ensuring a seamless and rewarding experience for all par cipants is commendable,
     and I am confident that your hard work will culminate in a successful congress.

     Last but certainly not least, I express my deepest gra tude to all the par cipants, sponsors, and our
     industrial partners for your generous support. As we embark on this exci ng journey of discovery
     and collabora on, let us embrace the spirit of innova on, open our minds to new ideas, and forge
     las ng connec ons. Together, let us strive for excellence in our pursuit of advancing medical physics
     and improving pa ent outcomes.

     I wish each and every one of you a frui ul and inspiring congress experience on this beau ful island!
     Warm regards,

     Professor Dr Chai Hong Yeong
     President, SEAFOMP
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