Page 14 - SOFT BOOK
P. 14

August 10  -13   2023
                   Hotel Lombok Raya, Lombok, Indonesia

     Welcome Message by the Minister Of Health Republic  Of Indonesia

                         It is my utmost pleasure and honor to extend a warm welcome to all of you
                         gathered here today at the 21st South-East Asian Congress of Medical
                         Physics and the 6th Annual Scien fic Mee ng of Medical Physics and
                         Biophysics in the beau ful island of Lombok.This event brings together
                         esteemed medical physicists from across Southeast Asia,and it serves as a
                         pla orm  for  us  to  exchange  knowledge,foster  collabora on,and
                         strengthen our commitment to the advancement of medical physics in our

                         First and foremost,I would like to express my deepest gra tude to the
     organizers and sponsors for their  reless efforts in making this congress a reality.Your dedica on
     and hard work have culminated in this gathering of brilliant minds,and I commend you for crea ng
     this excep onal opportunity for scien fic discourse.

     Today,we stand on the verge of a new age in healthcare,with the converge of technology and
     medical science is reshaping the landscape of pa ent care.As we embrace the digital age and
     witness remarkable advances in medical diagnos cs and therapies,it is cri cal that we recognize the
     cri cal role that medical physicists have played in this revolu onary journey.This effort includes
     several components,including the purchase of cu ng-edge medical equipment and facili es.In our
     pursuit of excellence,we recognize the crucial value of medical physicists'contribu ons.

     The field of proton therapy is one key area in which we an cipate tremendous progress.Proton
     therapy has proven to be an effec ve cancer treatment method,providing precision tumor targe ng
     while causing minimal damage to healthy surrounding  ssues.We have developed plans to create
     proton therapy centers in strategic areas across the country as part of our commitment to providing
     world-class healthcare to our popula on.

     The successful applica on of proton therapy and other diagnos c equipment,on the other hand,is
     dependent on the competence and par cipa on of medical physicists.Their exper se in radia on
     physics,dosimetry,and treatment planning are cri cal to assuring the safe and successful use of
     these cu ng-edge technologies.We appreciate your support in this endeavor and look forward to
     working  with  you  all  to  realize  our  shared  objec ve  of  enhancing  pa ent  outcomes  through
     advanced medical physics.

     Furthermore,we  recognize  that  the  progress  of  medical  physics  is  not  just  dependent  on  the
     acquisi on  of  equipment.Research  and  innova on  are  cri cal  in  pushing  medical  science  and
     technology  forward.We  encourage  and  support  ini a ves  that  promote  research
     collabora ons,knowledge exchange,and capacity building in medical physics.By inves ng in the
     development  of  our  human  resources,we  can  raise  a  new  genera on  of  outstanding  medical
     physicists who will contribute to the growth of healthcare not only in Indonesia,but also throughout
     the Southeast Asian area.

     As we embark on this journey together,I urge all of you to embrace the spirit of
     collabora on and mutual learning.Let us seize this opportunity to share our
     experiences,exchange ideas,and foster meaningful partnerships that will
     drive progress in medical physics and ul mately benefit our pa ents.
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