P. 30

August 10  -13   2023                                      30
                   Hotel Lombok Raya, Lombok, Indonesia

       Ge ng Around Lombok

             Lombok island is located east of Bali. Lombok geographically is almost the same
       size as Bali and, just as there are popular tourist areas on Bali, so Lombok offers a variety
       of des na ons to suit different holidaymakers' tastes. Tropical climate with warm and
       humid weather all year round.  Temperature range from 21 Celsius to 32 Celsius. Wet
       season starts from November to May and dry season start from May-October. Most of
       Lombok’s  na ve  popula on  speak  Sasak  language,  of  which  there  are  four  main
       dialects (broadly separated into North, South, East & West).

             The majority of people will also understand and speak Bahasar Indonesia, which
       is Indonesia’s official language. In tourist areas such as the Gili Islands, Senaru, Sengiggi
       and  Kuta  Lombok,  residents  speak  varying  levels  of  English  (enough  to  relate  to
       westerners and have basic conversa ons).

             Lombok has a friendly and open culture, with visitors made to feel welcome
       whatever their colour or religious creed. That said, modesty is valued, so tourists are
       advised to cover-up when walking through villages etc.

             Therefore, it's not wrong if Lombok is o en included in the dream list of tourists
       to visit and vaca on there. We summarize several choices of tourist a rac ons in
       Lombok that you can visit if you are on vaca on there.

       Senggigi Beach

                                               The town of Senggigi spreads out along
                                               nearly 10 kilometers of coastal road.
                                               This road con nues north to Bangsal,
                                               port for the Gili Islands. Along the way,
                                               a fantas c scenery of the north west
                                               coast of Lombok awaits. Most travelers
                                               start or end their stay at Senggigi
                                               because of the easy access to Mataram
                                               Airport and accommoda ons op ons
       are available to all budgets. If you are frugal or intrepid and take the slow ferry from
       Bali, it's best to arrange transport in advance from the ferry dock to Senggigi, since
       the dock on the Lombok side is in a remote spot several kilometers south of
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