Page 123 - 368603 LP250721 AWY AWY AWY Book (238pp A5)
P. 123

                much given to pleasures of the dance. He gathered the faithful and sayeth unto them as he danced wondrously, “Trust in me, ye Cats of Black, and in my brethren from the land of the setting sun and again there will arise a new leader who shall fill thy Temple of Light with the ranks of the chosen ones.” The faithful heard the words of Quinn, also known as Niall the trousered one, and thought that they were good but were sore perplexed and there was great debate among them about who the new leader would be. Brother was set against brother as some championed the prophet O’Neill and others Allardyce, also known as Big Sam, while a small yet defiant sect plotted to restore the fallen idol Reid, a renegade monk formerly known as Peter of Huyton.
And lo! Murray was driven from the land and the dancing Quinn came bearing gifts into the Holy of Holies on the north bank of the Wear. Gathering the scribes he sayeth unto them, “Be ye not afeared, goodly Mackems, but it is written that the darkest hour comes just before the dawn. Yet, keep the faith and all will be well with thee!” Verily, it came to pass that on a terrible evening in a dark place known appropriately as Bury, a great suffering was visited upon the faithful and upon their kith and kin and oxen. Many cast their votive season tickets upon stormy waters before throwing their pitiful selves in after them and others were lost on the journey home, lured to their doom by Sirens in towns along the way. A few managed to survive and through their tears they assailed their trousered prophet and threatened to tear him asunder. Quinn danced before them before reminding

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