Page 124 - 368603 LP250721 AWY AWY AWY Book (238pp A5)
P. 124

                them of his recent words and exhorting them to put their trust in him and all would be good. Then there arose in the north rumours of a wondrous happening. Begat of the mighty Clough and Ferguson the Thunderer, a new messiah known only as Keano, a former centurion in the ranks of an alien power had undergone a miraculous conversion somewhere on the southbound carriageway of the A74 and was heading southwards to the temple at the head of his band of disciples.
Keano soon arrived in the temple amidst much jubilation. He caused the blind to see, the lame to walk and even managed to get the tribe a mention on the front page of The Guardian, which hadn’t happened for many generations. He glowered upon Quinn’s chosen ones with a terrible aspect as they fought to overcome a rival sect called by their supporters the Baggies. And so it came to pass that the Baggies were driven from the land and everywhere they went they spread word of the mightiness of Keano. Keano himself parted the waters of the Wear and leading the faithful into a place known as Mowbray Park fed nearly 25,000 of them on three saveloy dips and a bottle of Double Maxim. Another triumph soon followed against the followers of the Rams and on a great night near a road that some called Elland a mighty faith was rekindled in the hearts of the tribe.
Yea, but some followers became possessed by ecstatic spirits and began to talk in tongues about a League of Champions that the faithful would all soon share but Keano bade them just to keep their feet on the ground and all would

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