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Over 135,000 rural customershave already joined usSwitching is simpleGo online and choose one of our great valuebroadband packagesChoose your installation date at the checkoutWe%u2019ll take care of getting you connectedStill in contract?Don%u2019t worry, we can plan your installation for up to 3 monthsbefore the end of your contract.Over 21,000 Five Star reviews%u201cCalled Gigaclear to switch, and the process was so easy. The customer advisors were very good. I can%u2019tbelieve how fast and easy it was.I%u2019m very impressed.%u201dNatasha A %u2013 January 2025%u201cGigaclear is by far the best and most reliable broadband service I have experienced.I have been a customer for 10 years andwork from home. I have never sufferedan outage. Well done Gigaclear.%u201dG Harvey %u2013 January 2025%u201cAlways had good things to sayabout Gigaclear. Being rural it was always hard to find a fast internet service. I%u2019ve never looked back. Highly recommend.%u201cTony G %u2013 January 2025