Page 20 - PDQ 793605 PROOF 373415 LP257383 SBC COUNCIL TAX BOOKLETS A5 24pp
P. 20

                H H H He e e el l l lp p p pi i i in n n ng g g g p p p pr r r re e e ev v v ve e e en n n nt t t t h h h ho o o om m m me e e el l l le e e es s s ss s s sn n n ne e e es s s ss s s s H H He e el l lp p pi i in n ng g g p p pr r re e ev v ve e en n nt t t h h ho o om m me e el l le e es s ss s sn n ne e es s ss s s H H He e el l lp p pi i in n ng g g p p pr r re e ev v ve e en n nt t t h h ho o om m me e el l le e es s ss s sn n ne e es s ss s s
H He el lp pi in ng g p pr re ev ve en nt t h ho om me el le es ss sn ne es ss s
£1.4Mis spent each year on supported
housing projects and outreach services.
 These support services are mainly funded through dedicated grants from the Government.
Last year in Swindon, we helped 491 homeless households to find suitable accommodation and prevented 345 households from becoming homeless.
 The team work with individuals to understand the support that’s right for them. For example, last year our team were in contact with a rough sleeper after a relationship breakdown who was also experiencing an alcohol addiction and some mental health challenges. Despite an offer of safe and warm accommodation, he explained he preferred being outside as he felt claustrophobic when inside.
After joint work with mental health and drug and alcohol services, we established a trusted relationship with him which means he is now being safely accommodated and continuing to work with support services.

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