Page 13 - 7.3 Section 106
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Lower Thames Crossing – 7.3 Section 106 Agreements – Heads of Terms
Volume 7
  b. achieve a target of at least 45% of employees to be from within 20 miles of the Project or associated works (including employees within the boroughs in (a))1;
c. achieve the targets set out in Table 7.1.
Table 7.1 Minimum target inputs and activities
   Minimum target
 Training for local communities Sector skills qualification Apprentices Graduates/trainees
Newly employed Pre-employment programmes Education engagement Support to educators
Work placements
SME spend
Business upskilling
Supply chain payment
350 people
500 people
437 people
291 people
500 people
650 people
5,000 hours
2,000 hours
470 people
£1 in every £3
1,000 businesses
Within maximum of 30 days
                        7.2.4 The Delivery Partners will be required to develop Employment and Skills Plans which aligns with the overarching SEE Strategy to ensure that challenges are addressed throughout the delivery of the Project. These plans will be reviewed annually by the delivery contractors.
7.2.5 All Delivery Partners and supply chain partners will be required to undertake regular reporting to monitor progress against the target outcomes during the construction of the Project. The finds from this reporting will be discussed in a quarterly SEE Forum and released in an annual outcomes report. The data will be reviewed at Project, contract and local authority levels.
7.2.6 The Project will employ six posts in total across all Delivery Partner contracts, during the construction of the Project to oversee the overall implementation of the SEE Strategy and the delivery of the targets. These roles include (but are not limited to):
a. SEE Lead: Responsible for the overall SEE Strategy and SEE development plans;
1 Refers to local people who usually reside within Gravesham, Medway, Thurrock, Havering and Brentwood or within 20 miles of the Project route immediately prior to obtaining work on the Project, and continue to do so on starting work on the Project.
    Planning Inspectorate Scheme Ref: TR010032 Application Document Ref: TR010032/APP/7.3 DATE: October 2022
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